The British Establishment Cover Up Must End Right Now.

A representation of a Cabal flag.

March 21st, 2015.

Brief Hampstead Update.

I am still reading the judgement and working on my analysis. I intend to examine both the case history of the Justice and this judgement in detail as I believe they deserve.

In the interim. I would state the obvious and suggest readers watch Brian Gerrish’s brilliant denunciation of the judgement and Deborah Mahmoudieh’s excellent video also. Enjoy Aangirfan and the Tap while they last as it seems that a massive establishment attack is about to begin against these heroic sites.  You can see it coming from a mile away. The rulers are not amused and they want to “see something done” about those (please note quotation marks!) “awful little people” with their terribly truthful and indiscreet websites pointing out the bleeding obvious and undeniable fact that the British elite are collectively complicit in the cover up of Establishment child abuse in Britain and have been for decades and this is a sad, but known and proven fact.

It is Time for the Cover Up to End Right Now

On some profound level the British ruling class apparently do not the view the “commoners’ as fully human. I honestly do not see what other conclusion can be drawn from their behaviour. Their loyalty to their class seems to have destroyed their collective humanity long ago. They actually believe that they should have the right to rape and murder the children of “commoners” and expect the chaps from MI5 or Special Branch or whomever to step in and protect them if any honest police happen to come across one of their atrocities..As it happens, historically, the chaps from MI5 or Special Branch HAVE protected the abusers in order to “maintain the prestige of the British Establishment” which by some immaculate corruption they managed to conflate with the Security of the British State.

Key institutions of the British State appear to have been heavily involved in serious crimes against children with almost complete impunity for decades.

This is an intolerable situation clearly. If the institutions of the state are not reformed radically, logic dictates that eventually the mass of the people will understand what is happening and what they have been doing and seek to destroy the very institutions of the state.

As an outsider I would suggest that perhaps some type of “clear the decks” process is urgently required. Perhaps there should be an amnesty for certain people, Law Enforcement and Intelligence Officials perhaps, and other perpetrators of the cover up might be offered an amnesty. A more widespread amnesty may be a positive idea but that should be at the discretion of the victims rather than any outsider, obviously these are merely constructive suggestions. Perhaps a Truth and Reconciliation style process might be beneficial.

The idea that when the Establishment commit a crime, whether the Iraq war or the child rape at the Elm Guest House,  they will just conduct an inquiry of whatever length and futility required to make the problem go away and expect people to be grateful and actually equate this process of obfuscation and delay with justice is no longer sustainable. The contempt of the rulers for the people is completely unmistakeable and nauseating.

The more I observe it almost seems like a “class” apartheid society, as hyperbolic as that must sound. The way the ruling class believe they have the right under some preposterous national security cover to get a free pass for crimes against children of a sexual and violent nature. Now they want to blame the internet. Pretend that some prurient interest is being served. Which truly shows how low they are.

In order to preserve the positive ideas and people within British institutions the cover up has to end now. The obfuscation  and denial must end right now. The persecution of victims and whistle blowers and honest police must end right now.

It is time to admit the bleeding obvious. it is time to renovate the house in order to preserve the underlying structure. Historically we know that reform or revolution are the only options. Revolutions are destructive and disastrous and only lead to even worse people in power generally so I am urging a rethink. A restoration of the Rule of Law, hardly a subversive idea is it?

The world will not end. The walls will not fall down. People will not be hunted or strung up or any of that vile mob nonsense. Just tell the truth and apologise and hopefully the psyche of this deeply divided, wounded and utterly dysfunctional nation can return to balance and a semblance of normalcy and the rule of Law. The choice is yours.

This will not stand.


12 thoughts on “The British Establishment Cover Up Must End Right Now.

  1. This was a very good post. But I am not so optimistic in my ideas. Fixing the courts just seems too far out of reach. Honestly, the best I can see is letting everyone everywhere know just how bad it has gotten so that maybe a few can avoid getting hurt bad. Getting rid of all child kidnapping, I mean protection (like hell I do) agencies. Our kids don’t need that kind of protection any longer.

    This surely is the upper class beating down on the lower little people. They got the power and they are flaunting it. But here is the best suggestion I have. Do not join the military. Do not support or praise those who do join. Those that join slit our throats and enable this monster to grow ever more big and powerful. War is the enemy. War enables takeovers and killing civilians. War is a friend to the undertaker. It ain’t nothing but a heartbreak. No more WAR. Spread it and live it.


    • Great comment thank you seriously. I will let you in on a little secret. I have never been there, I only know the basics and what I wrote were just suggestions. If you live there, make no mistake. you know better, I will not be arguing against you. I think the do not join up idea has a lot of merit and agree with your sentiments regarding war 100% including your admiration for the Edwin Starr classic. Thanks for comment.


      • You know ,I was wondering is anyone would pick up on the Edwin Starr thing. He did an amazing job with that song. then we got Barry Maguire who also had a great hit. And Donovan and Glen Campbell both did Universal Solider written by Buffie St. Marie, who I feel qualifies for sainthood more than the phonies that got it. I just missed the Hippie movement but It lives on Youtube and around.


      • Awesome, thanks, I am equally glad you noticed me noticing! I remember reading about Buffy Saint Marie in the work of Charles Shaar Murray, a British music journalist I admired as a youth but I don’t think I have ever heard the music, will follow your advice and check on Youtube. Many thanks for comment.


  2. top blogging!

    Could not have put it better myself. many thanks for the fine work you are doing

    i too am worried that Aangirfan and the Tap will go the same way as the coleman experience. ‘they’ are after chris spivey also.

    in times of universal deceit telling of the truth is a revolutionary act.

    here’s the video i have just published from thursdays judgement at the RCJ


    • Great comment thanks, I should have spoken about Spivey and Coleman I mentioned Tap and Aangirfan because they it seems are going to be punished for Hampstead. Felt very awkward writing those things given that I am not British and therefore by rights have no right to an opinion or anything at stake so your comment means a lot. None of the crimes are of course in the slightest bit unique to Britain , but the Establishment hauteur, that is a little bit unique, the level of arrogance is unmatched it seems. Thanks again.


  3. “The rulers are not amused and they want to “see something done” about those (please note quotation marks!) “awful little people” with their terribly truthful and indiscreet websites pointing out the bleeding obvious and undeniable fact that the British elite are collectively complicit in the cover up of Establishment child abuse in Britain and have been for decades and this is a sad, but known and proven fact.

    On some profound level the British ruling class apparently do not view the “commoners’ as fully human.

    The contempt of the rulers for the people is completely unmistakeable and nauseating”

    I totally agree with these comments, the writer has hit the nail on the head. Pauffley made the elitist attitude very clear when she commented scathingly about the 4 million “evil/foolish members of the public viewing the evidence presented on the net. There is no small element of Class War involved in this.

    Pardon me if I don’t tug my forelock to authority, but I’m not stupid and I, having mastered the art of both reading and writing, am quite capable of doing my own research and assessments without being told by my betters what to think, or what I may or may not investigate.

    The Hampstead case is not straight forward, by any means, and there is much that might indicate that what we are hearing is not always accurate. However, some of the children’s testimony is compelling enough for anyone of reasonable intelligence to come to the conclusion that something very sinister has been and still is going on here.

    And given the extent of paedophile activity in elite circles that is coming to light almost daily now, it is not unreasonable for members of the public to be less than confident that the establishment/authorities have conducted anything resembling a proper investigation into these charges.

    Pauffley, in her smug arrogance, makes her contempt for the public quite clear, when she describes those who question authority and seek to find the truth as evil or foolish. I think you got it wrong Mrs Pauffley. I think that it is you who is evil, because you would not properly investigate this matter. And it is you who is foolish, if you believe that we will accept the biased judgement you have made without question.


  4. You will not sort this out appealing to decency. People eliminate decency from their lives when they choose positively to engage in cover up. They rationalise saying they have mortgages, children etc. Well, many nazi orderlies were the same and our Establishment gave them pretty short shrift…..many of the current set will be being blackmailed, controlled by gangsters, security services etc. They are spineless inadequates or psychopathic bullies…..

    Any T&R comes with the understanding that those confessing can never work in positions of responsibility again. Their children cannot go to private school or top universities, have high paying jobs. There has to be a price and the price is most certainly not ‘saying sorry is all I have to do’.

    The alternative unfortunately will be gunning a lot of them down with some innocent collateral damage.

    If you think for one second that letting these people stay in power will make them change you are deluded. For them, everything is a game, just about winning. Morals disappeared decades ago….


    • “Any T&R comes with the understanding that those confessing can never work in positions of responsibility again. Their children cannot go to private school or top universities, have high paying jobs. There has to be a price and the price is most certainly not ‘saying sorry is all I have to do’. ”

      Many thanks for that. In retrospect what I have written here seems to me to be naive to the point of being delusional. It was well meaning nonsense on my part. I feel bad about polluting the world with yet more garbage but at least I know better now and will not hopefully repeat those mistakes.
      I think you may have verballed me somewhat as I do not think I ever said that saying sorry would be the beginning and end of anything. In fairness I also said up front that this is just an idea that may be worth considering and had the humility to recognise that I have no right to decide on these matters. Anyway, it was meant to be a constructive suggestion, on reflection it was naive to the point of idiocy.


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