The Deaths of Osama bin Laden.

The original Osama bin laden, Western agent provocateur par excellence. Died in late 2001.
The original Osama bin laden, Western agent provocateur par excellence. Died in late 2001.

The Deaths of Osama bin Laden.

May 12th, 2015.

Osama bin Laden Appears to Have Died in 2001.

The US Government and the controlled media claim that Osama bin Laden was killed in a US raid on his Pakistan hideout in 2011. It is a difficult matter to prove given these events are cloaked in lies and disinformation but overwhelming evidence indicates that Osama bin Laden, CIA agent provocateur par excellence, died in Afghanistan in December 2001 and all of the events involving bin Laden and all the statements he supposedly made after 2001 were entirely fake.
When you look at the videos of some of the post 2001 bin Laden appearances it is quite clear that bin laden is being impersonated, crudely and poorly. That fact combined with multiple reports of bin Laden’s death in 2001, in the US. Pakistani and Egyptian press indicates that bin Laden died but lived on in impersonation and myth and the operation that supposedly killed bin laden in Abbottobad Pakistan on May 1st, 2011 was in whole or part a work of fiction.

Benazir Bhutto says Osama Bin Laden is Dead?

In addition to the reports two completely separate Pakistani political figures, Pervez Musharref and Benazir Bhutto also stated that Osama bin laden was dead long before 2011, Bhutto even claimed to know the identity of the person who she claimed killed bin Laden, describing the death as a murder at the hands of Ahmed Saeed Sheikh Omar, a British man with links to al Qaeda, British MI6 and the Pakistani ISI. – Pakistan’s Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead – January 18, 2002

Report: Bin Laden Already Dead | Fox News

This is from the same date as the Fox story, 26th December 2001, at which point the news appears to have spread widely in Washington DC.

High-Level Murmurings That bin Laden Is Dead –

It appears that an US military operation took place in Abbottabad in 2011, that it involved Navy Seals and it was designed to kill the dangerous myth of Osama bin Laden. It was a lie that killed a lie.

There were bin laden fakes-plural employed after 2001, these appear to be three different fake bin Ladens from What Really Happened.
There were bin laden fakes-plural employed after 2001, these appear to be three different fake bin Ladens from What Really Happened.

A Ridiculous Story.

Helpfully, the Military and political accounts of the operation are completely ridiculous. The man who was blamed for the September 11th massacre was supposedly killed without a single photograph being taken of him prior to his burial at sea!

There was never any actual evidence offered that Osama bin Laden was either present in Abbottabad nor that he was killed. There was just a story.

Elated Americans cheer the death of bin laden ten years late.
Elated Americans cheer the death of bin laden ten years late.

A Wildly Successful Hoax that like Boston brought cheering crowds to the streets.

It was an extremely successful hoax that saw cheering crowds throng outside the White House, I had no idea of the truth and was personally very pleased which is obviously very embarrassing but ultimately this was a hoax that actually served a relatively good cause, the killing of the myth was dishonest and low but the myth was dangerous. Telling the truth would of course have been the right thing to do, it has become clear that this is not a realistic expectation to have of any part of the US government.
The actual operation is very confusing, the apparent helicopter crash, the question of who if anyone was even there. It’s a mess.

A really obvious fake bin Laden from 2007. Wrong everything.
A really obvious fake bin Laden from 2007. Wrong everything.

Bin laden and 911.

We know that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda did not conduct the 911 attacks.But did they plan the planes operation only to see the “professionals” step in and blow the buildings up after flying empty drones into them or was the whole thing a work of fiction?

This is an important question without an answer. The al Qaeda group was so compromised and openly used by so many different intelligence agencies that it is almost impossible to determine whether there was any sincere al Qaeda planes operation plot. There was a fellow named Ramzi bin al Shibh, in Germany who was in contact with Mohammed Atta and appears to have assisted in preparations for an operation. He may have been the person closest to the operation who was sincere.

The other problem is that the media coverage of al Qaeda was so completely dishonest and fictional that even when it makes sense that an individual actually believed he was planning the planes operation, it is quite likely the entire account is a complete lie.

The North Tower Demolition, September 11th, 2001.
The North Tower Demolition, September 11th, 2001.

Ramzi bin al Shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed appeared to take responsibility for planning the operation in an interview with al Jazeera in 2002. The interview may well be authentic or it may simply be a work of fiction. None of the tapes the written interview is said to be based upon have ever been released.

With Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the fact that he bothered to refuse to talk to the Americans for a long time despite being tortured severely tends to indicate his probable sincerity.

A photograph of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from 2007 approx.
A photograph of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from 2007 approx.

Would the Americans invent the 183 water boardings in a single month? Maybe. It is entirely possible that these two al Qaeda figures sincerely plotted the attacks, but neither man ever set foot in the USA or played any active part in the attacks. The attack may have been real or authentic in Pakistan or Afghanistan or even in Germany, but absolutely everything that took place in the US was under the control of Westerners and the fake al Qaeda terrorists who did enter the United States such as Mohammed Atta were undoubtedly not sincere and no element of the attacks is authentic and the planes operation did not take place.

As far as bin Laden goes, he appears to have been aware of his provocateur role. There is no evidence that bin laden played even the theoretical role the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi bin al Shibh may have played.

Alleged photo of Ramzi binalShibh who may have thought he was actually planning 911 from Hamburg, he wasn't.
Alleged photo of Ramzi bin al Shibh who may have thought he was actually planning 911 from Hamburg, he wasn’t.


As far as Osama bin Laden goes the truth is pretty clear.
There were multiple reports of his death in late 2001.
There are numerous problems with the post 2001 bin Ladens that indicate an actor (indeed series of actors) were playing the bin Laden role.
The story from the US that bin Laden was killed and they never took a photograph of the corpse or any other part of the operation is completely unrealistic. If they kill him you can guarantee there will be many mementos and proof of what they have done. They would be perfectly proud and happy to show a picture of his bloodied corpse.
The only photos that were claimed to depict the death of bin laden were photo-shopped stills from the movie Black Hawk Down! They didn’t even make an effort.

Bin laden dead?
Bin laden dead?
From Black Hawk down (all images from What Really Happened)
From Black Hawk down (all images from What Really Happened)

Seymour Hersh: Why Now?

As far as why Seymour Hersh is pushing his longstanding and rather half baked interpretation at this time?
Seymour Hersh is a high quality Establishment journalist. Seymour Hersh wrote in 2002 that elements of the US government believed that a foreign Intelligence agency must have been involved but he never followed the story up nor sought the immense corroboration available.

Years ago Seymour Hersh stated that not one detail of the raid was correct, which was right, but now he is actually asserting that much of the story is true including the all important fact that Osama bin Laden was actually killed which is nonsense.

The few sane and rational elements of the US administration appear to be under siege and appear to be caving and losing all over the place and something the administration has done has presumably pissed off one of Seymour Hersh handlers enough to cause this story to happen.

The controlled media report the faux second death of Osama bin Laden.
The controlled media report the faux second death of Osama bin Laden.

The Empire Strikes Back?

The tentative Iran deal appears to have prompted a massive and successful Zionist fightback in Washington and in Syria and in Ukraine the forces of chaos and mayhem in the US government have clearly seized the initiative and are setting the conditions for several possible massive future US wars and it actually seems that the War party are desperately trying to finish off Assad in order to drive a wedge , a violent wedge between the US and Iran and thus avert the nuclear deal by making the US and Iran open enemies in Syria.

There are also rumours that Iran has cut off the Syrian government within the past few months. The actions of Hezbollah in the Qalamoun region where they continue to trounce the anti Government forces in that area, the one positive part of the war for the Syrian government and allied forces who have suffered a series of devastating setbacks in the past month especially in Northern Syria.

The What Really Happened piece on this topic is very strong and material from


has been used extensively.

New Bin Laden Image Taken From Spanish Lawmaker

Other Sources.

Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake | World news | The Guardian

Report: Bin Laden Already Dead | Fox News

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years – and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Daily Mail Online

Timeline: Osama Bin Laden Died on December 14, 2001 From Complications Due to Kidney Failure : conspiracy – Pakistan’s Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead – January 18, 2002

Osama bin Elvis | The American Spectator

High-Level Murmurings That bin Laden Is Dead –

Top Doctor Confirms Bin Laden Had Marfan Syndrome Alex Jones’ Infowars:

Pervez Musharraf – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benazir Bhutto – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia