The Burning Blogger Returns.

Photo of a Chimanko (alternative rock band from London) concert from the new Burning Blogger site’s about page. (Source)

The Burning Blogger Returns.

April 5th, 2021.

Two years ago, for reasons that remain unclear but presumably related to the suppression of all dissenting voices on the topic of the Christchurch incident, WordPress removed the excellent Burning Blogger of Bedlam website from the internet.

Happily the Burning Blogger had recently utilised the WordPress export option to back up his work so when the site was deleted from the internet, he retained the more than 600 articles published there.

Now the Burning Blogger has re-emerged, posting new work along with all the work published at the old site.

Astra-Zeneca & the Eugenics Society… – Burning Blogger

Burning Blogger – Politics. Culture. Society. Truth Seeking. Etc.

Please do yourself a favour and visit the new site, I have no doubt, given the breadth and quality of the work that you will find something there to interest and enrich you.


In order to commemorate the launch of the new site the Burning Blogger made a podcast in which I was privileged to participate along with our mutual friend Mark, author of Truthscoop and Plant a

Given that the Burning Blogger and I had never previously spoken and we were freestyling without a structure, it turned out fairly well.

I cannot match the unreserved recommendation that I offer the Burning Blogger site, as this is raw and uneven, however if you find yourself without any videos worth watching, as I often do, you may find this an amusing and/or thought provoking listen.

Burning Blogger Podcast: Censorship & Alternative Media (With Crimes of Empire & Truthscoop).