the Nice Attack: Anatomy of a Farce.

The strangely bloodless murder weapon on display after the Nice terror psyop. Photo by WILLIAM ABENHAIM/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock
Mandatory Credit: Photo by WILLIAM ABENHAIM/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock (5770887m) The truck that was driven by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day being towed away by breakdown lorry Lorry driven into Bastille Day crowd, Nice, France - 15 Jul 2016
Photo by WILLIAM ABENHAIM/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock  The bloodless truck that was driven by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day being towed away by breakdown lorry Lorry driven into Bastille Day crowd, Nice, France – 15 Jul 2016

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”  The Sign of the Four. Chap. 6, p. 111.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four, 1890. (Source)

The Nice Attack: Tragedy or Farce?


In the weeks since the world was told that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel murdered 85 people and wounded another 300 with a truck on the Nice boulevard a number of anomalies have emerged leading to speculation that the Nice attack was a staged event.

This piece will seek to place the attack in a historical context and analyse the visual evidence as comprised in the videos made of the event against the narrative with which we have been presented as gleaned from the statements of the French Government and the Wikipedia article on the attack.  This source is required to flesh out the story due to the paucity of statements from the French government.

It is not expected that those who have been moved and traumatised by the story will be swayed by anything that is written here. However if those who believe the authentic read this they will hopefully be made aware at the very least of the many implausible and impossible elements of the Nice narrative.

To those who believe that Mohamed Bouhlel was actually responsible for an horrific atrocity in Nice on Bastille Day I would state that the only reason you believe the official story is that you do not know the official story.

Because the crime is so upsetting, the scenario is semi-realistic and some of the footage quite convincing this may not be a winning argument, (at least in the short-term) but an overwhelming weight of evidence points to the hypothesis that there was no terror attack in Nice nor any authentic victims.

If this hypothesis is incorrect, and people actually died in Nice, this is a tremendous tragedy and a horrific crime for which there can be no justification.

To state the obvious, all killing of civilians whether targeted or otherwise is a criminal act and should be punished by the appropriate court.

Screenshot from Liveleak shows the apparent psychosis caused by the trauma of the narrative. The poster refers to a bloody truck yet there is clearly no hint of blood anywhere
Screenshot from Liveleak shows the apparent psychosis caused by the trauma of the narrative. The poster refers to a bloody truck yet there is no hint of blood anywhere
Police investigate the scene after a truck plowed through Bastille Day revelers in the French resort city of Nice, France, Thursday, July 14, 2016. France was ravaged by its third attack in two years when a large white truck mowed through revelers gathered for Bastille Day fireworks in Nice, killing at dozens of people as it bore down on the crowd for more than a mile along the Riviera city's famed seaside promenade. (Sasha Goldsmith via AP)
Police investigate the scene after a truck plowed through Bastille Day revelers in the French resort city of Nice, France, Thursday, July 14, 2016. France was ravaged by its third attack in two years when a large white truck mowed through revelers gathered for Bastille Day fireworks in Nice, killing at dozens of people as it bore down on the crowd for more than a mile along the Riviera city’s famed seaside promenade. (Sasha Goldsmith via AP)
Possibly even more remarkable than the complete lack of any blood on the front of the truck that we are told killed 85 people by driving into them is the fact that none of the 85 victims struck front on and killed has fallen under the truck. If any of the victims had gone underneath the truck a bloody path would be trailing behind the truck. This photograph clearly depicts the absence of any such remnants of the victims behind the truck.
Possibly even more remarkable than the complete lack of any blood on the front of the truck that we are told killed 85 people by driving into them is the fact that none of the 85 victims struck front on and killed has fallen under the truck. If any of the victims had gone underneath the truck a bloody path would be trailing behind the truck. This photograph clearly depicts the absence of any such remnants of the victims behind the truck. Remember that eyewitness Gwenael Leriche stated “The area behind the truck was a field of dead people, blood and flesh. I had to step over corpses to keep trying to get to him.” (Source)
According to the official story of the Nice attack Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot to death isndioe this cabin, this photo provides compelling evidence that not only is there a strange and total lack of the victims blood at the crime scene, this extends also to any sign that the perpetrator was shot to death in the cab of the truck.
According to the official story of the Nice attack Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot to death inside this cabin, this photo provides compelling evidence that not only is there a strange and total lack of the victim’s blood at the crime scene, this extends also to any sign that the perpetrator was shot to death in the cab of the truck.

Starting Point: The Bloodless Murder Weapon.

The fact that the truck allegedly used in the attack bore no sign of having struck even one person, let alone hundreds, given that no blood was evident on either the front of the truck or the tyres has been one anomaly highlighted by those challenging the authenticity of the event. It is however theoretically possible, albeit extremely unlikely, that a blunt instrument could be used to murder 85 people and wound more than 300 others and bear not a spot of blood.

This implies that the driver struck hundreds of people scores mortally and yet none of them went under the vehicle.

The lack of blood on the front of the truck is very telling, but the complete lack of any blood trail behind the truck is downright devastating.

In addition, not only is there a complete lack of any blood of the victims on the truck front or tyres, there is also a complete lack of any blood from the perpetrator having supposedly been shot to death inside the cab despite one eyewitness describing the perpetrator hanging out of the cab after having been shot to death.

“Witness Nadar El Shafei told the BBC: ‘He died inside the vehicle – I saw his head [hanging] out of the window, they kept shooting him from all sides just to be sure. Then they asked us to run away in case there were others inside the car or a bomb.’ (Source)

The complete video of the end scene shootout destroys that narrative completely and will be dealt with later.

At the very least the bloodless murder weapon makes it clear that the attack deserves further investigation, whether to ascertain how such a catastrophic security failure could happen even during the State of Emergency along with the question of whether the event was staged.

A Short History of Vehicle Terrorism.

Vehicles, including heavy vehicles such as front end loaders have been used in numerous attacks on civilians, sometimes with political motive. There have been numerous attacks in Israel/Palestine and there was also an attack in Tiananmen square in 2013 blamed n Uyghur separatists that left two people dead along with the three attackers. (Source).

An attack in Jerusalem in October 2014 also left two civilians dead. (Source) while an attack using a tractor in the same city the following month left one person dead along with the attacker. (Source)

Vehicular assault as a terrorist tactic

According to Wikipedia similar attacks have never managed to kill more than three people(attackers aside) and the largest tally of wounded I could find was 19 when somebody drove a car into a bus stop full of Israeli soldiers, so it is beyond astonishing that during the State of emergency, with Operation Sentinel a large-scale military operation placing thousands of armed troops on the street someone was able to surpass many times over all previous efforts  that achieved in any of the previous recorded vehicle attacks on crowds of people.


This is Mohamed Bouhlel's Temproary French residency identification, helpfully left in the cab of the truck as has been the custom when framing patsies thriguhout the war on error, from 911, to Charlie Hebdo, Friday the 13th and may others.
This is Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s temporary French residency identification, helpfully left in the cab of the truck as has been the custom when framing patsies throughout the war on error, from 911, to Charlie Hebdo, Friday the 13th and many others. The terrorists are always keen on assisting their enemies identify them! It makes perfect sense.
This is one of two selfies released by french prosecutors. The Frnch claim that this photo was taken in the hours prior to the attack. So this fellow is all set to go out and commit mass murder in the supposed name of Islam but he has not a word to say about why he is doing it. What he is upset about, what effect he hopes it will have etc. So a little man wants to make a big name for himself, he has a platform, he supposedly has a cuase. where is the rhetoric, where is the justifiaction, where is the denunicration of the French state or the West? Where is the message to the family? Where is the pledge of support for ISIS? In all aspects of this case the things that would make sense are absent. One or two examples would be perfectly plausible, people do not always do the predictable or logical thing, but everything?
This is one of two selfies released by french prosecutors. The French claim that this photo was taken in the hours prior to the attack. So this fellow is all set to go out and commit mass murder in the supposed name of Islam but he has not a word to say about why he is doing it. What he is upset about, what effect he hopes it will have etc. So a little man wants to make a big name for himself, he has a platform, he supposedly has a cause. where is the rhetoric, where is the justification, where is the denunciation of the French state or the West? Where is the message to the family? Where is the pledge of support for ISIS? In all aspects of this case the things that would make sense are absent. One or two examples would be perfectly plausible, people do not always do the predictable or logical thing, but everything?

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.

There is no history of strong religious observance let alone fanaticism on the part of the perpetrator.

“Bouhlel’s rapid radicalisation has puzzled investigators. Friends and family said he had not been an observant Muslim in the past.” (Source)

He ate pork and did not attend the mosque regularly until April.

“Mohamed didn’t pray, didn’t go to the mosque and ate pork,” said Sadok Bouhlel, a 69-year-old retired teacher, in the driver’s hometown of Msaken, Tunisia.”(Source)

He also took alcohol and other drugs and reportedly stole bikes along with being a delivery driver. (Source)

“He stank of alcohol, even during Ramadan, “(Source)

Earlier this year he appeared in court in relation to a road rage incident that saw him throw a pallet at another man.

The French claim the attack was planned for months.”He seems to have envisaged and developed his criminal plans several months before carrying them out,” stated French Prosecutor in charge of the case Francois Molins.(Source)

The claims made by the French prosecutor appear on their face to be quite ridiculous. They are stating that the perpetrator planned the attack for months yet also that he rented a truck  in the nearby town of Saint Laurent du Var on the 11th of July and that the truck was rented for two days and thus due to be returned on the 13th, the day before the attack.

So the months of planning did not enable him to get the most simple details right. By retaining the truck after it was due to be returned he was putting the whole operation at risk completely unnecessarily.

Anyone who had done even ten minutes of planning would have rented the truck on the 12th or the 13th making it due for return after the attack.

By keeping the truck after it was due to be returned to the rental agency, Bouhlel risked the rental company contacting the police or the police asking if he owned the truck and thus preventing the attack.

These risks may be small but he does not achieve anything by being in possession of the truck on the 11th or the 12th, the risk is completely unnecessary and inconsistent with any plan at all.

The perpetrator left no suicide note, no “martyrdom” video, no clandestine pledge of allegiance to ISIS or any similar group and essentially gave no signs whatsoever if being either suicidal nor homicidal or a jihadist. It is that simple.

None of these details on their own is necessarily evidence of anything, but as we look at the details of the Nice attack none of them fit the narrative. None.

An overview of the area the attack is said to have taken place with key landmarks marked. An overview of the Promenade des Anglais with key landmarks marked.
An overview of the Promenade des Anglais with key landmarks marked.

The Attack.

The core story is simple. The mysteriously radicalised ISIS inspired Mohamed Bouhlel drove onto the Promenade des Anglais at 10.45 pm on July the 14th and began to target civilians as he drove up the promenade, staying on the footpath and zig-zagging the truck in order to cause as many casualties as possible.

This is the story until he has traveled around 1.4 kilometres to the intersection of the Promenade with the Boulevard Gambetta where the truck was confronted with several local police, a barricade and a police car marking the beginning of the pedestrian zone.

The attacker broke these barricades and progressed another 400 metres up the Promenade and at this point,  he is filmed for the first time by Richard Gutjahr on a balcony of the Westminster Hotel of 27 Promenade des Anglais.

The truck, now at the 90% mark of its journey up the Promenade drives slowly past the Westminster Hotel through a closed pedestrian zone entirely empty of pedestrians before hurtling into the crowd watching the band and stopping outside the Hyatt Hotel/Casino at 13-15 Promenade des Anglais and La Canne a Sucre (the Sugar Cane Cafe is a loose translation) at number 11 on the promenade around 200 metres up the road past the Westminster at the intersection between the Promenade and the Rue de Congres.

The Childish Lies of the Faux Heroes.

It is unclear what caused the truck to stop. One man claims to have jumped onto the side of the truck and attacked the perpetrator causing him to slow down and somehow enabling the police to shoot the perpetrator dead.

It sounds unbelievable but there are actually at least two separate French men who claim to have climbed onto the truck during the attack. Franck is the fellow who rode the motorbike in the Westminster video and Gwenael Leriche claims he climbed onto the truck at the end of the attack, another 200 metres down the Promenade.

The stories they tell speak for themselves.

Franck’s story.

This is the story Franck, the motorcyclist in the Westminster video told the Nice Matin newspaper as reported by the Guardian.

“I wanted to stop him at any price … my aim was to get to the [driver’s] cabin. When I drew level with him, I asked myself, what are you going to do with your poor scooter, so I threw it against the lorry and continued to run after him.”

“Finally I grabbed on to the cabin. I was on the steps at the level of the open window facing him. I hit and hit him and hit him again. With all my strength, with my left hand in the face. He said nothing. He didn’t even flinch. He had his gun in his hand but the pistol was not working. I had the impression he was trying to fiddle with it, I don’t know. He pointed it at me and pulled on the trigger but it didn’t work.”

“I was ready to die. I was conscious and ready to die to stop him and I kept hitting him. I tried to drag him out through the window because I couldn’t open the bloody door. I kept hitting him. Then he finally hit me on the head with the butt.” (Source)

What an amazing feat of driving from Mohamed Bouhlel! He maintained a perfectly straight line down the Promenade whilst engaging in a fist fight with the hero Franck who performed the even greater deed of making himself invisible throughout the entire melee!

Franck must have some type of special invisibility spray he carries around all the time and uses in moments of crisis.

Two things stand out here. On the one hand the story the man is telling is physically impossible. He states that he threw the scooter at the lorry before giving chase on foot and climbing onto the side of the truck.The second thing is his story bears no resemblance to what is seen in the video of the incident.

Here we see the motorcycle pull up alongside the truck, fall and the truck continue unimpeded. The entire interaction between the truck and the motorcyclist lasts less than one second yet this clown has woven a story of a prolonged interaction that cannot possibly have taken place if we refer to the video.

It was initially reported that the first motorcyclist, the one seen in the Westminster Hotel video had been killed in his heroic attempt to prevent the attack. Richard Gutjahr was the source for that long abandoned falsehood as reported by the Independent.

“As the killer drove a lorry down a packed Nice promenade in an attack that would kill at least 84 people, a person on a motorcycle attempted to stop him and ended up giving his own life to do so, according to holidaying German journalist Richard Gutjahr.” (Source)

Gwenael Leriches story.

Gwenael Leriche is one of two men who claim to have climbed onto the truck and engaged in hand to hand combat with Mohamed Bouhlel causing the truck to decelerate and thus enabling the police to shoot the perpetrator.

Here are two media accounts of this heroic and superhuman feat.

“I knew what was happening was no accident. This guy was carrying out a massacre. He left behind a trail of dead bodies, of flesh and blood. I had to leap over corpses to try to get close to him. He targeted one particular group of people.

“It was carnage. He then accelerated again and got away from me. I saw what was left behind. For a split-second I thought of what I could do for those who had been run over, but it was too late, so I tried again to catch up with him.”

Gwenael clung onto the back of the truck, which was eventually halted by police in a hail of gunfire.” (Source)


“According to witnesses, another unnamed passer-by grabbed onto the lorry door, slowing the attacker down again. At this point Mr Leriche was able to catch up.

He and the other passer-by reportedly tried to attack Bouhlel through the lorry windows, but he started firing at them with a pistol. Police then opened fire and the attacker was shot.” (Source)

It is perfectly clear that no-one is going to be able to climb onto a truck that is traveling anywhere much above walking speed, much less the 50 miles (80 kms) an hour that Mohamed Bouhlel is described as achieving as he sped down towards the end of the promenade in the killer truck. If the truck were traveling slowly enough to enable people to do that it stands to reason that there would have been time for all those in its path to evade it. It is after all a much simpler matter to simply step out of the way than to run behind a massive vehicle and jump upon it while it is moving.

Taken on an individual basis these absurdities can be dismissed witness error or faulty reporting but the entire narrative is built upon the same contradictory and absurd ground as these pitiful “hero” stories. The whole narrative is of the same character.

The Visual Record of the Nice Attack.


There have been and remain serious inconsistencies regarding both the time and the place the attack started and the straightforward matter of where the Promenade was blocked off by the police and breached by the attacker is still being reported as having taken place at two separate locations.

According to the BBC, the attacker breached the barricades located near the Fondation Lenval Hospital whereas the French government and Wikipedia state that the barricade was located on the intersection with Boulevard Gambetta and this is supported by eyewitnesses interviewed by the french newspaper Liberation whose investigation forced the French government to admit to lying about the presence of National police at the breached barricade.

Sécurité à Nice. 370 mètres de questions – Libération (in English)

There are no images of the attack for the first 90% of the distance the truck traveled before it reached the lucky Richard Gutjahr sitting on a balcony of the Westminster Hotel,there are also very few accounts of the victims save for a lone Muslim woman said to be killed just before he reached the Negresco/Westminster area and the story about the truck zig- zagging at high-speed, mounting the footpath and killing people this way.

In addition to the surprising complete lack of any footage, whether filmed deliberately or inadvertently of the truck at any time on the promenade throughout 90% of the attack,  no photographic evidence of the damage the attack caused in this area to either people or property shows up in an internet search under the terms “Nice attack damage”. (Source)

It stands to reason that if the attack took place as it has been described, that some of the tables and chairs of the cafes and restaurants would have been damaged and that these artifacts of the attack could be shown in the media without any fear of being perceived as callous or disrespectful to the victims.

Nice terror attack: Footage shows truck on Promenade des Anglais

The Westminster Video.

The first visual evidence of the Nice attack therefore is the video shot from the Westminster Hotel at 27 PDA by a man named Richard Gutjahr.

Fifteen seconds later,at the 17 second mark of the Gutjahr video the truck passes the end section of crossing 2- 75 metres away.
Fifteen seconds later, at the 17 second mark of the Gutjahr video the truck passes the end section of crossing 2- 75 metres away.
The two crossings outside the Westminster Hotel that we observe the truck traverse. The precise distance between them is 73.2 metres. In order to determine the approximate speed of the truck, 75 metres was used in order to achieve a round answer of five metres per second over 15 seconds.
The two crossings outside the Westminster Hotel that we observe the truck traverse. The precise distance between them is 73.9 metres. In order to determine the approximate speed of the truck, 75 metres was used in order to achieve a round answer of five metres per second over 15 seconds.

How Slow?

At the start of the video we see the truck is just passing the edge of the pedestrian crossing to the right of the Westminster, I measured the time it takes the truck to travel between the crossing number 1, to the right of the Westminster and crossing number 2, to the left of the Westminster.

Measured from the end of one crossing to the next the distance is 75 metres, the time the truck takes to travel between the two crossings is 15 seconds, we see the truck just at the far edge of crossing one at the 2 second mark of the video and it passes the same point of crossing 2 at the seventeen second mark of the video.

These measurements are not necessarily precise but they enable us to determine the approximate speed the truck was traveling at this time.

Based on the measured speed of five metres per second we can calculate that the truck was traveling at around 11 miles per hour (18 kilometres per hour) between these crossings.

(5 metres per second times 60 seconds equals 300 metres per minute. 300 metres a minute times 60 minutes equals 18,000 metres or 18 kms /11.25 miles per hour)

Remember that the story is that the attack has started well over a kilometer earlier, the driver has already breached the police barrier located at the intersection of Boulevard Gambetta, the attack is well underway and the perpetrator knows that the police know what he is doing and will try to stop him having already driven through their barrier which according to the French government was manned by two members of the local police. (Source) (in English)

It is also worth remembering that this was a uniquely deadly and “successful” vehicular act of terrorism, surpassing the previous casualty levels by orders of magnitude.

How odd that the most successful purveyor of vehicular terrorism in the history of the world could achieve such devastating results without even speeding!

How odd also that despite the area in front of the Westminster being well within the pedestrian zone which started hundreds of metres up the street at the intersection with Boulevard Gambetta, and there being 30,000 people in the area watching the 10pm fireworks there are no pedestrians whatsoever in the area through which the truck is driving.

All logic indicates that a man intent on vehicular mass murder, being pursued by the police and having already driven through a police barrier is not going to be driving at 11 miles an hour.
The only reasonable explanation for the speed at which the truck is traveling is that the Nice attack was a staged Hollywood production, a work of fiction and the driver had to slow down to enable the motorcyclist to perform his stunt for the pre-positioned cameraman Richard Gutjahr.

Police fairy stories.

In addition we have the ludicrous account presented in the media as the explanation for the failure of the local police to halt the attack at the point the truck breached the police barricade at the intersection with the Boulevard Gambetta.

Liberation quoted a Nice municipal police officer named Yves Bergerat as stating that the nine millimeter pistols the local police are allocated were incapable of either piercing the windscreen or the tyres of the truck  “Our weapons do not allow to break the windscreen or puncture the tires” which is such nonsense it is almost unbelievable they would try to say it. (Source-in English)

A concrete block after a standard steel jacketed bullet from a 9mm, pistol has been fired into it.
A concrete block after a standard steel jacketed bullet from a 9mm pistol has been fired into it. (Source)

While a nine millimeter pistol is not a very powerful or penetrative weapon, failing to penetrate cinder block in field tests, the idea that such a weapon is incapable of breaking glass or puncturing a tyre is beyond ridiculous.

The same Liberation article forced the French interior Minister to admit to having lied about the deployment of National Police at the breached barricade in Nice (or as the Guardian delightfully expressed it, caused Cazeneuve to “backtrack.”

“France’s interior minister has acknowledged that there was no national police presence at the entrance to the pedestrianised walkway in Nice during the attack. In what represents a backtracking on his previous claim that national police were present, Bernard Cazeneuve said local police, who are more lightly armed, were guarding the entrance through which Bouhlel drove his truck. ” (Source)

The attempt to cover up the lack of National Police in Nice was the “simple” reason the French police anti-terrorism branch ordered the Nice authorities to destroy the CCTV footage of the event, an order that was opposed by the Nice authorities and never carried out.

This story appears to have been a classic piece of obfuscation, a limited hangout-selling the small scandal to protect the big lie. It is entirely possible some of the CCTV footage will be released in the future, however it can be guaranteed that almost all of the footage will be suppressed because it’s release would expose and destroy the Nice lie and those who delivered it.

Richard and Einat.
Richard Gutjahr has some very interesting connections, he is married to a member of the Israeli Knesset named Einet Wilf who previously served in the Israeli cyber unit named 8200. Unit 8200 are engaged in the collection if signals intelligence, the best analogy would be the NSA or GCHQ)

Einet also acts as a propagandist and advocate for Israel, making speeches where she tries to reinforce the laughable notion that Israel is not an apartheid state engaged in ethnic cleansing, and that those who tell the truth about Israel are engaging in a conspiracy against Israel based on anti- Jewish prejudice! (Source)

The Westminster video discredits and mocks the story of the horrific mass murder in Nice and all those who would believe it.The Westminster video alone, combined with the bloodless murder weapon provide compelling evidence of fraud and strongly imply that the Nice attack was a staged event.

NICE, FRANCE, Side View of Truck

The Side On Video.

The second video is the side on footage shot from within the crowd at the far end of the promenade near where the music was playing. The footage is of wretched quality, we are shown a large crowd of people,the truck is seen too plunge through behind where the people are standing and we are thus invited to imagine the truck has driven through a dense crowd of people but there is no evidence in the video to indicate whether the truck actually struck any people nor if there were even any people standing in the path of the truck.

In common with the far more effective and celebrated front-on footage is the fact that the massive truck cannot be heard despite driving within a few metres of the camera.

The Front On Video.


For many people such was the realism of the front on footage that it ended all debate in their mind as to the authenticity of the event. This is perfectly understandable given the emphasis given to the visual in our culture and the fact that the footage is of a far higher quality than what has been created to support other staged events of recent years.

The footage is truly great because it causes the casual viewer to imagine the attack in their own minds. This ability to make the audience imagine the moment of horror by providing the right visual cues has long been a hallmark of great film directors in the horror and thriller genres with the shower scene from Psycho a very obvious and classic example.

The front on footage does not depict the truck making contact with anyone but it takes you right up until the preceding moment and makes the audience believe they have seen the truck run into a group of people by using the same classic cinematic techniques of leading the audience up to the edge and prompting them to visualise the unfolding horror.

This piece of footage propels this event to a new and higher level of deception than has previously been detected and actually changes the paradigm established in the years since people noticed these faux events in 2012 in the wake of the Aurora and Sandy Hook staged events.

In the past these operations always broke one of two ways, there were cases like Charleston or Umpqua Community College :shootings”where it was absolutely clear that the event was not authentic but very hard to prove because of the complete lack of visual evidence presented and on the other hand were cases such as Boston, the WDBJ shooting and to some extent Orlando where the authors try to present the public with the event on film and destroy their own narrative due to the very obviously contrived and fake nature of what is shown.

This event has changed that paradigm and means that at the very least those intent on claiming that events are staged are going to have to come up with substantive evidence of their claims if they are to be sustained in the face of dramatically improved staging.

I believe that if the Nice narrative is considered in its entirety there can be no serious discussion as to the authenticity of the event and thus do not believe that it is necessary to debunk this footage in order to make the argument the Nice attack was a staged event.

I cannot claim to know precisely the techniques that were used to create this footage, it is however indisputable that the means to create seemingly real footage without an actual attack are widely available and accessible to anyone with a personal computer and given the wealth and power the fake war on terror has given to the factions and industries who benefit directly from the concocted threat there can be no question of people having the motive to create this video.

There are however significant anomalies of the footage that indicate the footage is not authentic and also point towards how the illusion may have been achieved.

Scutiny of this still from the front on video points to digital fakery although the wretched quality of the video makes it hard to be completely certain. If we look at the figures in the foreground we can see that they are casting a consistent and easily visible shadow, yet when we look at the person wearing black slightly behind them, he casts no shadow at all, yet he is under the same light source and in almost the same place as the others. Digital insertion of some of the figures in the video appears to be the best explanation for this anomaly.
Scrutiny of this still from the front on video points to digital fakery although the wretched quality of the video makes it hard to be completely certain. If we look at the figures in the foreground we can see that they are casting a consistent and easily visible shadow, falling to the right of screen, yet when we look at the person wearing black slightly behind them, he casts no shadow at all, yet he is under the same light source and in almost the same place as the others. Digital insertion of some of the figures in the video appears to be the best explanation for this anomaly.


One of the first things that stands out in the video are the actions of the young man with the skateboard prior to the truck’s arrival. The young skateboarder appears to know that something is about to happen and also the direction the something will appear from.

When the truck appears it is filmed for only a brief moment and the photographer inexplicably pans the camera away from the truck. When stills of this brief moment are examined they appear to show that some of the people in the video cast a clear shadow whilst others cast no shadow whatsoever.

Another strange element of this video is that despite at the end of the video the truck driving within feet of the camera at no time do we hear the sound of the massive truck engine. This seems impossible and suggests that either the truck was digitally inserted into the footage or the footage was given a soundtrack completely independent of the video.

The audio is another very strong and well thought out element of the staged Nice event, the sound of a distressed female screaming, as is heard over and over again in the Nice footage, triggers a primal response in the audience, the sound acts like a primal cue, triggering both an emotional and physiological response that is almost impossible to resist. It is a classic, possibly the classic trigger for the fight or flight reaction.

The fact that the people screaming are simply being paid to do so and the soundtrack may even have been created somewhere else at another time makes little difference.

My opinion is that the truck drove down the promenade through an area where no people were in the way and some of the people were digitally inserted in order to create the illusion of a collision along with the cleverly positioned camera operator filming from an angle that created the illusion that people were in the path of the truck when these people were actually outside the path of the truck. .

This would be consistent with all the other footage that we see of the event from the Westminster Hotel onward, the truck is there, but it is traveling at the wrong speed and failing to target or hit any people. People are present on the scene but none are even in the path of the truck.

Weighing Contradictory Evidence.

The thing I would like to emphasise is that when we consider the weight we give to different evidence we have to use logic to weigh the importance of different pieces of evidence.

So we know the truck is bloodless and this makes absolutely no sense.

According to one of the faux heroes Gwenael Leriche who claimed that he helped stop the attack by jumping on to the side of the truck and fighting the perpetrator “The area behind the truck was a field of dead people, blood and flesh. I had to step over corpses to keep trying to get to him.”

So there must be blood on the truck, there simply must be and there is no known means or motive for anyone to tamper with the truck to render it bloodless.

On the other hand the motive for filming the truck on the promenade and digitally inserting some people into the footage is perfectly clear and the means are readily available to anyone with a personal computer.

These factors mean that greater weight must be given to the bloodless truck than the front on video because while there are many powerful motives to produce fake footage of a terror attack, there is no realistic prospect that someone clandestinely cleaned the truck in order to trick people who a real terror attack was not real and we have photography of the truck from directly after the attack that shows this hypothesis is impossible as well as being entirely illogical.

Nice Attack: Moment police stormed and killed truck driver

Nice : voici la vidéo intégrale du “témoin” israélien

The ‘Final Shootout” Videos.

There are at least two videos that claim to depict the police shooting to death Mohamad Bouhlel outside the Hyatt hotel Casino at 13-15 and La Canne a Sucre (the Sugar Cane) at number 11.

The striking thing about these videos is that neither of them contain any sign that anyone is even in the cab of the truck.

A still froom the Nader el Shafai video, there is no sign of the gunman or anyone else inside the cab of the truck at any time, in stark contrast with el Shafai's description of the dead gunman hanging out the window of the cab.
A still froom the Nader el Shafai video, there is no sign of the gunman or anyone else inside the cab of the truck at any time, in stark contrast with el Shafai’s description of the dead gunman hanging out the window of the cab.

A man named Nader el Shafai filmed the version of the final shootout scene that was filmed from the beachside looking across towards La Canne a Sucre and the Hyatt. The version he shot has been the version featured most in the media. Nader El Shafai’s account of what he saw that night is completely and irretrievably inconsistent with the video he has made and this footage can be easily dismissed on this basis alone.

“Nader El Shafei told the BBC: ‘He died inside the vehicle – I saw his head [hanging] out of the window, they kept shooting him from all sides just to be sure. Then they asked us to run away in case there were others inside the car or a bomb. (Source)

So he was there well past the point that the supposed perpetrator was killed by the police and he plainly and unambiguously states that he saw the dead man hanging out the window of the cab. “I saw his head [hanging] out of the window, they kept shooting him from all sides just to be sure.”

So in order to learn that Mr. El Shafia is not an honest witness or anything approaching it, we need only consult the video he shot of the event and note that there is at no time any sign of the gunman, dead or alive and he is most certainly not to be seen  dead and hanging from the window .

Once again there is a wide chasm between what is supposed to have happened and what the videos depict.

How can this be? How can it be that just at the very moment the terrorist has come to a halt and his only choice is to use his weapon to continue the killing spree until he is killed by the police he is DOING NOTHING.

So within a matter of seconds it seems the perpetrator has again been transformed from a mass murderer with an insatiable appetite for dead “infidels” and “martyrdom” into a complete non-entity with no interest in shooting even the police who surround him as he faces certain death!

Here we have the identical  abyss between what the terrorist does when he is off camera and what he actually does when the film is running  as provided by the Westminster footage.

The same man who zig-zagged at 50 miles an hour driving on the footpath to maximise the casualties for the first 1.8 kilometres of the journey was suddenly seen to be driving at little more than stalling speed when the Gutjahr camera was rolling and he was not zig-zagging nor did he strike anyone.

Overview if the scene in Nice in the direct aftermath of the event.
Overview of the scene in Nice in the direct aftermath of the event.
This photo shows the same area of road, the grey booth is a good marker. It seems that the objects seen on the ground were placed there after the truck had completed it's journey.
This photo shows the same area of road, the grey bus stop is a good marker. It seems that the objects seen on the ground were placed there after the truck had completed it’s journey.

The Aftermath.

The aftermath footage shows many people fleeing the area of the Promenade in panic. These people are genuine and so is the fear they exhibit. Their behaviour has been explained by many people who were present in Nice on July the 14th who state that someone shouted there has been a terrorist attack, generally a shooting and once a few people started running others followed instinctively fleeing from a genuinely perceived threat that had been successfully implanted in the crowd by other people’s reactions.

It is a common occurrence for people to flee from non-existent threats, it happened last week when there were false reports of a terror attack at a US airport and in France we saw a classic example in the wake of the Friday the 13th events last year when a crowd in Paris fled wildly in response to several firecrackers let off by persons unknown as the people tried to march in unity against the intimidation of the terrorists.

It is very easy to cause panic in a crowd of people and this panic can be created without the presence of any actual violence or danger so the fleeing crowds in Nice do a great job o supporting the illusion that an attack has taken place but these actions are not evidence that anything has happened.


The act of questioning whether objects purported to be dead bodies are authentic is deeply frowned upon in our culture. Seen as the height of callousness and lunacy. There are however anomalies so obvious when we look at the aftermath scene on the Promenade des Anglais that at the very least deserve further investigation and critical scrutiny. These are a few of the really obviously problematic images shot in the aftermath of the purported Bastille Day Massacre.

Here is a mystery person on the Promenade des Anglais on Bastille Day. This person is clearly not a reveller, nor a doctor or nurse or paramedic. Who are they and what on earth are they doing? It has been claimed that this person was placing fake blood at the scene, it is unclear form the very brief glimpse we are given what she is doing but she clearly does not belong t any of the categories of people we expected to be present at the scene.
Here is a mystery person on the Promenade des Anglais on Bastille Day. This person is clearly not a reveler, nor a doctor or nurse or paramedic. Who are they and what on earth are they doing? It has been claimed that this person was placing fake blood at the scene, it is unclear from the very brief glimpse we are given what she is doing but she clearly does not belong to any of the categories of people we expected to be present at the scene. In addition the person rather than attending to any of the victims is placing an object on the scene quite clearly.
This is supposed to be a dead body. This is a blue circular object wrapped in a sheet.with a purse placed beside it. No body and no blood presented as a dead body makes it perfectly clear the event was completely staged. A real attack would not require blue circular objects wrapped in sheets to be presented as one of the victims.
This is supposed to be a dead body. This is a blue circular object wrapped in a sheet.with a purse placed beside it. No body and no blood presented as a dead body makes it perfectly clear the event was completely staged. A real attack would not require blue circular objects wrapped in sheets to be presented as one of the victims.
Again here we have what is simply detritus placed on the ground.
Again here we have what is simply detritus placed on the ground.
People have pet pigs. SO someone took their pet pig to the bastille Day fireworks and the poor thing was among the victims of the maniac terror truck driver. Right?
People have pet pigs. So I guess  someone took their pet pig to the Bastille Day fireworks and the poor thing was among the victims of the maniac terror truck driver. Right? How it got there is a mystery but there is no doubt that here we have a dead pig on the Promenade des Anglais on July the 14th. The dead pig is next to the breastless female dummy with the blue pants who must have been it’s owner! Presumably the pig is there to provide an authentic source of blood in the absence of dead humans.
Dead pig with apparent owner, the breastless woman in the blue pants. She was a REAL DUMMY taking a pet pig to the Bastille Day fireworks celebrations and it ended in tragedy for both of them.
The presumed owner of the dead pig,  the breastless woman in the blue pants. She was a REAL DUMMY taking a pet pig to the Bastille Day fireworks celebrations and it ended in tragedy for both of them.
Here we have a large group of faux victims farcically placed on the ground in a line. These people or whatever they are have not been hit by any truck. The impact of the truck will throw the people it impacts out over a wide area. Again we have around a dozen corpses and not a drop of blood. No wonder they pixelate this- it is complete rubbish. An inferior update of the similarly fake and ridiculous picture taken inside the Bataclan Theater last November after another fake massacre in France.

Forgotten Funerals?

What shows up in an internet search engine is of course only a tiny glimpse of reality. It does seem more than a little odd that when we type the search term “Nice attack victims funerals” into the search engine there is no mention whatsoever of any funerals having taken place for any of the victims!

A public memorial was held in Nice. The paragon of authenticity who is the singer of U2 was in attendance, but no funerals, not on page one, two or three of the search results.

By page three most of the results do not even relate to Nice, there are references to funerals for the Beslan massacre victims, even of Philando Castile but not a word of any funerals for any of the Nice attack victims.

How could that possibly be? I guess we just have to admire the respect the normally vulture- like press have shown for the privacy of the victims families in their time of grieving!


A very interesting article appeared on the French language website Le Contre Revolution in January 2016.

Liste de francs-maçons du Parti Socialiste | La contre-révolution

The article listed members of the ruling Socialist party who are also members of the Grand Orient Lodge, a branch of Masonry that has been an agent of internationalist and Jacobin plots in France dating back to the 18th century French revolution and an outgrowth of the Bavarian Illuminati .

The Bavarian Illuminati and their allies were engaged in a plot against the French and other European states at this time and the plot was uncovered when the Bavarian Illuminati messenger was struck by lightning and killed. Despite sounding apocryphal that story is historical fact. (Source)

The B’nai B’rith, essentially a Zionist offshoot of Masonry, was formed in New York in 1843.

“Modeled on Masonic organizations, it was founded in New York, October 13, 1843 by twelve people, including Henry Jones and two brothers, Jewish immigrants from Germany, which had belonged to the Society of Brothers (Brüder Bund) who played some role in the development of the First international (international workers Association.”(SourceEnglish)

The French branch of B’nai B’rith was formed in 1932.

“B’nai B’rith France exists since 1932 and is the most important section of the European District, numbering about sixty cells in five regions: Ile-de-France – Provence Midi Pyrénées – French Riviera – East – Rhone-Alpes. It is headquartered in Paris.” (Source)

These same people helped put the Bolsheviks in power in Russia, motivated by similar goals as those that drove the French revolution. They wanted to destroy these nations and then take ownership of them.

Their descendants are the French ruling class. They believe in deception as a core part of their operating methods. These groups are anxious to institute the tightest systems of social control that can be imagined and “Islamic terror” is the vehicle they are going to use to achieve the goal of complete control.

These clandestine networks, comprised of people who believe in the cause of control and oligarchical tyranny, are the mortar that is used to hold the structures of these grotesque deceptions together. In the case of the politicians a healthy dose of blackmail is often utilised to keep potentially honest politicians on “the right track.”

Seemingly credible allegations of membership of a large scale child abuse network have recently been leveled against the French President, I have no idea if there is any veracity in those charges but it would fit neatly with a long established pattern of corruption and blackmail seen over decades in both Europe and the United States if the allegations are proven correct.

Until people learn to defy the trauma these fiends impose upon them and engage their critical faculties, these lies will never end.

Revolutionary Terror