Israel Firsters Demand World War against Russia.

Still from video of Russian ari strike on Syria.
Still from video of Russian ari strike on Syria.

October 2nd, 2015.

Israel Firster US Senators Advocate War with Russia.

If you want to know what Israel’s opinion is on any situation, just listen to the words of  John McCain, Lindsay Graham or Tom Cotton and Israel’s wishes and thoughts become clear very, very quickly.

Lindsay Graham was predictably.the most amusing of the troupe coming up with some real gems here.

MUST-SEE Crazed US Senator Attacks Defense Secretary for not Planning War With Russia!

Which provoked this response from zarfii on youtube .

“The question is Graham, you fucking warmongering psychopath POS, Are you and your family going to be on the front lines with your butchering maniac Jihardist buddies to depose a democratically elected leader and risk WW3 “

Which seems an apt summary.

US Senator Tom Cotton will become President after armageddon and looks forward to the opportunity.Such a low disgusting liar that he still claims that

US Senator Tom Cotton will become President after Armageddon and looks forward to the opportunity.Such a low disgusting liar that he still claims that “Iraq would have posed a security threat to the US if the US had not invaded Iraq.

This is only a general rule it must be hoped because over the past several days McCain and Cotton have been calling for the US to attack Russia in Syria. A course of action with potentially apocalyptic consequences for the people they are supposed to be representing and the wider world.

You haven't made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.
You haven’t made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.

It can only be hoped that these ridiculous suggestions represent the last moans of the dying monster

US presidential candidate Marco Rubio wants to impose a no-fly zone in Syria

Senator John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels With (SAM) to Shoot Down Russian Planes.

Sen. Tom Cotton says US should shoot down Russian planes over Syria

Fiorina calls for US to create a no fly zone in Syria, shoot down Russian planes

Pentagon mulling use of force to protect US-trained militants from Russian attack

Syria: Russian Su-34s destroy ISIS command centre near Raqqah

Syria: Russian air strikes hit ammo depot in mountainous region

International Military Review – Syria, Oct 3, 2015

Syria: RuAF Su-25 Airstrike on IED Factory in Idlib

Syria: Russian Sukhoi jets lift off to combat Islamic State

Combat Cam: Russian jets target ISIS command center, training camp – Moscow MoD

Syria: Footage shows Russian airstrikes obliterating IS targets

Russian Airstrikes All Over Syria Continue

12 thoughts on “Israel Firsters Demand World War against Russia.

  1. Pure mad men! But keep in mind that this world war is not really out of control, but will be made to look out of control enough so that “aliens” have to step in and stop us and “save” us from ourselves. The Great Deception as it is rapidly becoming known in conspiracy youtube channels. its all coming together quickly. Its going faster than even I thought it would. What I wonder at the moment is if we have an election in 2016 or if Obama stays in emergency power. Nothing would surprise me at this point.


    • Thanks truth1now, I really hope the Alien psyop does not ever happen but I believe that you are right about that and the signs of preparation have been there for decades. GThe measures that are taken, whatever they are will be in proportion to the size of the engineered crisis. In order to skip the elections it would have to be an absolutely immense crisis so I really hope that does not happen. Many thanks for comment.


      • I can assure you, James, this is not what I would have asked for, if anyone had asked me about it. But I saw UFO and Alien stuff become much bigger in Hollywood starting about 2010. It started big on the History channel in 2005. As for WW3, that is kind of a new thing, although NWO types had planned for it many years ago and that is in writing in their published materials. Lets just hope that they don’t start spraying Nukes and chemical crap. But sadly, many young adults are going to be sacrificed on all sides. And I am going to go way out on a limb, and make another prediction about the military. Men and women will be required to “sleep” together for the sake of moral and fear control. They will call it survival but its main goal is to being the transformation of society, in the same way as the Hampstead cult and others like it try to do. but in war, you can accomplish far more in far less time, than in peace. But you will not hear about this till the war is done. the fake Jesus will bring that to a halt, Eventually all society will be “transformed.” They will say it is transcendence and ascension. I have words for it, but I don’t imagine this is the place for vulgarity 😉


      • Thanks for a very entertaining comment truth1now. The scenario you map out has a lot of credibility, I believe they will try to do what you have described at some point although judging where we are on the timeline is exceptionally difficult. Thanks for comment.


  2. These people – politicians/marionettes – are just despicable, aren’t they? Interestingly, you’re probably aware of Saudi officials also coming out and calling for holy war against Russia, almost in tandem? Zionist/Wahhabist mouthpieces once again proposing the same things, apparently independently, but in reality as one mind.
    A fellow blogger, however, suggests to me quite strongly that he believes the Russians and the Americans/Israel are basically part of the same globalist programme and that the conflict between them is merely a pantomime being played out to accomplish larger objectives. I’m not sure I agree with him on that, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on that suggestion?
    By the way, thanks for the link on your site to my site – much appreciated.


    • Many thanks Burning Blogger of bedlam, yes I think 52 semi Official clerics came out and called for war against Russia. I am pleased you like the link. The question about Russia being genuine opposition or merely a role player in theatre is extremely difficult, James Corbett whom I respect, presents both Russia and China in this light whereas at the other end of the spectrum Imran Hosein, Islamic eschatologist, presents Russia as THE force confronting the New World order.Islam the Petro Dollar and Russia’s Tryst with Destiny – Geneva 22-8-2015

      Russia is in my opinion a cynical and self interested state that by an accident of history has found itself in a position to expose and capitalise on the duplicity and destructiveness of the West to gain leverage and prestige in the Middle East. There is a slightly different vision behind these actions and the important thing Putin said at the UN was that “We used to be deluded in the USSR, we thought we could impose our ideology on the whole world, we thought we were right but our beliefs only led to destabilisation, oppression etc as we vaingloriously tried to make the world conform to our ideological vision”, and then he said basically “but we have stopped and it is the West with their belief that they can impose regime change upon any disobedient state under the dubious banner of democracy that is the deluded and destabilising force in the world today”, so at face value at least they have a different, perhaps more realistic and less destructive vision. Wish I could be more definitive Burning Blogger of Bedlam, many thanks for the comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, that’s enlightening enough, thanks – none of us can really be all that ‘definitive’. Thanks for the detailed, considered response.


      • “We used to be deluded in the USSR, we thought we could impose our ideology on the whole world, we thought we were right but our beliefs only led to destabilisation, oppression etc as we vaingloriously tried to make the world conform to our ideological vision”, and then he said basically “but we have stopped and it is the West with their belief that they can impose regime change upon any disobedient state under the dubious banner of democracy that is the deluded and destabilising force in the world today”

        Aye, tis a good comment. But I suspect that there are 2 other purposes not mentioned. First, they are working all together as has been suggested as at least a possibility. The other is that the world war-mongers want to destroy the independence and intelligence that exists in greater portions than it does in other nations. for several hundred years, the USA has attracted people who had no opportunity or hope in Europe and came to the USA for land and opportunity. As well, many came over here in the early years to escape the control of state supported religion. So many independent thinkers came to the USA. In fact, most all independent thinker left their homelands for the USA so they could breath in mind and in opportunity. Everything was locked up and reserved for the upper half of society in the old world.

        So now, despite much increased decadence in the USA, it still possesses the greatest concentration of intelligent independent thinking in the world. I am working on an article to prove that very same declaration. so the tyrants want to destroy that intellectual concentration once and for all. So the USA must fall and be defeated as well as de-moralized. So Russia has been handed the moral high road so that she and other nations can lend their hand to destroying, not the government of the USA per say, but the intelligent minds of the USA, rounded up and put into concentration camps and those that bear arms, they shall be killed.

        There is a man by the name of Webster Tarpley, who writed the online book, “AGainst Oligarchies.” He shows the history of Venice and how she controlled the world of then and now, too. Now most will say, Venice does not exist anymore. Yes, that is what they would have you believe. But it is false, They changed their identity and reinvented themselves and they are alive and well and behind most of our problems today.

        the challenge of present political deduction as well as that of the past, requires a lot more research than most might think. Cause our problems are not recent creations. They were made long ago and most do not know they even exist. But I fully support the idea that all sides are working together to accomplish a united world empire. And our dear Mr. Satan intends to be our king, but I have no king except the Christ of God.


      • Thanks truth1now you make a lot of excellent points here and I will look forward to the article you are working on. I need to educate myself further on these issues in order to be able to contribute, broadly what you write makes sense.


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