Israel Firsters Demand World War against Russia.

Still from video of Russian ari strike on Syria.
Still from video of Russian ari strike on Syria.

October 2nd, 2015.

Israel Firster US Senators Advocate War with Russia.

If you want to know what Israel’s opinion is on any situation, just listen to the words of  John McCain, Lindsay Graham or Tom Cotton and Israel’s wishes and thoughts become clear very, very quickly.

Lindsay Graham was predictably.the most amusing of the troupe coming up with some real gems here.

MUST-SEE Crazed US Senator Attacks Defense Secretary for not Planning War With Russia!

Which provoked this response from zarfii on youtube .

“The question is Graham, you fucking warmongering psychopath POS, Are you and your family going to be on the front lines with your butchering maniac Jihardist buddies to depose a democratically elected leader and risk WW3 “

Which seems an apt summary.

US Senator Tom Cotton will become President after armageddon and looks forward to the opportunity.Such a low disgusting liar that he still claims that

US Senator Tom Cotton will become President after Armageddon and looks forward to the opportunity.Such a low disgusting liar that he still claims that “Iraq would have posed a security threat to the US if the US had not invaded Iraq.

This is only a general rule it must be hoped because over the past several days McCain and Cotton have been calling for the US to attack Russia in Syria. A course of action with potentially apocalyptic consequences for the people they are supposed to be representing and the wider world.

You haven't made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.
You haven’t made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.

It can only be hoped that these ridiculous suggestions represent the last moans of the dying monster

US presidential candidate Marco Rubio wants to impose a no-fly zone in Syria

Senator John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels With (SAM) to Shoot Down Russian Planes.

Sen. Tom Cotton says US should shoot down Russian planes over Syria

Fiorina calls for US to create a no fly zone in Syria, shoot down Russian planes

Pentagon mulling use of force to protect US-trained militants from Russian attack

Syria: Russian Su-34s destroy ISIS command centre near Raqqah

Syria: Russian air strikes hit ammo depot in mountainous region

International Military Review – Syria, Oct 3, 2015

Syria: RuAF Su-25 Airstrike on IED Factory in Idlib

Syria: Russian Sukhoi jets lift off to combat Islamic State

Combat Cam: Russian jets target ISIS command center, training camp – Moscow MoD

Syria: Footage shows Russian airstrikes obliterating IS targets

Russian Airstrikes All Over Syria Continue