False Flag Terror: the Triumph of the Strategy of Tension in France

A wonderful unity moment-based entirely on an illusion. Paris, January 11th,2015.
A wonderful unity moment-based entirely on an illusion. Paris, January 11th,2015.

January 12th, 2015.

There were amazing scenes in Paris overnight, mammoth and largely well natured crowds thronged the streets of Paris and other French cities marking the end of chapter one of one of the most successful psyops ever seen. These were moving scenes, just not in the way intended. It was so sad to see so many people have their naivete and good nature taken advantage of on such a mammoth scale.

Nincenzo Viniguerra Speakd the Truth on the BBC in 1992.
Vincenzo Viniguerra Speaks the Truth on the BBC in 1992.

NATO, the CIA and Mossad  the Track Record of Terror.in Europe.

These tactics come as no surprise to people aware of recent European history, we have seen these tactics used throughout much of Western Europe through the 1960s, 70s and 80s. The perpetrators of the terror have even been kind and helpful enough to tell us the thinking behind these “black operations” One of the most forthcoming of the Operation Gladio terrorists was an Italian extremist right wing Gladio veteran named Vincenzo Vinciguerra. .
This is Vincenzo Vinciguerra’s explanation of the Strategy of Tension, a strategy that continues to this very day with a new bogey Radical Islam replacing the former bogey of Communism. This quote is lifted directly from the wonderful BBC documentary from 1992 entitled “Operation Gladio”. This quote comes from the 51 minute mark, I have not edited it, as he begins Vinciguerra is speaking of the role of right wing paramilitaries in the “Strategy of Tension”. Of the fear and division that was the underlying motive for the Gladio terror wave.

“You were supposed to attack civilians, women,children. Innocent people outside the political arena . For one simple reason: To force the Italian public to turn to the state…Turn to the regime and ask for greater security. This was precisely the role of the Right in Italy. It placed itself at the service of the State which created a Strategy, aptly called the “Strategy of Tension.” in so far as they had to get the people to accept at any moment over a period of thirty years from 1960 to the mid 1980s a State of Emergency could be declared. So people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains or enter a bank. This is the political logic behind all the bombings. “

Gladio Veteran Tells the Truth about False Flag Terrorism and the NWO

Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC

Capitalising on tragedy.

Meanwhile, Israel brazenly seeks to cash in on the Psyop to perpetuate the nonsense that Jewish people in Europe are under siege and need to join the wretched and doomed Zionist apartheid project to ensure their very survival! This following the supposed IS terror attack on a Kosher Grocery in Porte de Vincennes that led to four civilian deaths.

Porte de Vincennes siege – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Netanyahu to French Jews: ‘Come home to Israel from terrible European anti-Semitism’ — RT News

Netanyahu to French Jews after attacks: ‘Israel is your home’ | Middle East Eye

As threats to Jews said to mount in Europe, Israeli minister gets “excited” | The Electronic Intifada

Zionist Show in Paris–and Netanyahu Will Be There | Veterans Today

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel is standing by Europe, Europe must stand by Israel – Israel News – Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu: Paris attack proves world must fight Islamist terror | The Times of Israel

Of course. the heroic Israeli PM has not been flying solo on this mission. Many others have chimed in with their words of wisdom.

Anger as Rupert Murdoch says ALL Muslims should be held responsible for terror attacks in France | Daily Mail Online

Jewish patrol cars out in force in London amid fears of copycat attack | Daily Mail Online

At times it almost seemed as if hysteria had set in.
Editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle claims people are fleeing Paris | Daily Mail Online

and on it goes…

Calls for BBC reporter to resign after he told daughter of Holocaust survivors in Paris: ‘Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well’ | Daily Mail Online

”A BBC reporter has faced calls to resign after he told the daughter of Holocaust survivors in Paris: ‘Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well’.
Journalist Tim Willcox sparked anger during his coverage of yesterday’s rally in Paris, held in memory of the 17 victims of last week’s terror attacks, including four Jewish people in a siege at a Kosher supermarket.
He was speaking to a woman in the crowd who expressed her fears that Jews were being persecuted, and ‘the situation is going back to the days of the 1930s in Europe.’

One of the Empire's victims.
Najia Warshagha Age 9

Perish the very thought of Palestinian suffering! How dare he! How dare he allude to the more than 500 children wantonly and cynically massacred less than six months ago in Gaza. At a time like this when we are under siege!

.Israel-Gaza conflict: 50-day war by numbers – Middle East – World – The Independent

Mail Online continues

“historian and BBC presenter Simon Schama.
wrote on Twitter:Appalling of @BBCTimWillcox to imply any and all JEWS (not Israelis) responsible for treatment of Palestinians by hectoring lady in Paris.’
And added: ‘Then he had gall to patronise her at the end – “you see people see it from all sides” That Palestinian plight justifies anti-semitic murder?’
The Campaign Against Antisemitism, which works to combat anti-Semitism in Britain, has circulated footage of the incident, and has called on those offended by it to formally complain to the BBC.
Director of communications, Jonathan Sacerdoti, told MailOnline said Willcox’s Twitter apology was ‘not really good enough’.
‘It’s an admission he has done something wrong, but it’s incumbent on the BBC to make an on-air apology and to investigate his behavior.’
There have also been calls made for the reporter to resign, while an online petition was set up, demanding that Willcox ‘personally apologise’, and calling for ‘re-assurance that this constant anti-Semitic behavior from the BBC will come to an end’.
‘It was the wrong time and place to ask such a disgraceful question. The unity march was a time for France and the rest of the world to come together and unite against the rising threat of terrorism and anti-Semitism, as well as an opportunity to mourn and remember those killed in the horrific attacks.”

Wilcox did not imply that all Jewish people were responsible for the suffering of the people of Palestine, merely that they were suffering at Jewish hands. He should have simply said “Israeli” of course and ended the argument .

According to Wikipedia  the population of France is well over 60 million people.Estimates of the Jewish population of France vary but the Wikipedia article

states that around half a million (479,000) Jewish people live in France. There is no doubt that tens of thousands of Jewish people live in Paris, will continue to do so and that while there have been some terrible incidents, by and large the people of France coexist peacefully across Ethno-religous lines and will continue to do so as all people should do everywhere.  The idea that French Jews need israel to escape from the hordes of genocidal Muslims in France is simply a sick Zionist fantasy.

France does have a problem with angry and disenfranchised youth living in dismal ghettos, and this leads to problems. The main problem it leads to is people burning parked cars. The solution is an obvious one, investment and economic renewal of the areas that have fallen into decay due to unemployment created by the outsourcing of manufacturing as part of the Neo-Liberal globalist economic project. Islam has little or nothing to do with it. People have been talking about a French Civil War, this is hyperbole that is very dangerous but also quite ridiculous. Another fantasy from the warmongers of Zion.

Did Any of the Targets Deserve It?

Each and every civilian death is an horrendous crime and cannot be supported on any basis at any time and this extends to people who draw cartoons even the  “harlots of Empire” from the Charlie Hebdo publication Typical faux western rebels, fraudsters spewing forth exactly the type of infantile, divisive, hateful trash so beloved of the Western media and the elites they service.  The correct response to the goonish provocateurs of Islamophobia is simply to ignore them, edit them from your world and forget they exist. They are nothing and targeting them in any way only supports the despicable narrative they are trying to promote.
At any rate, this does not appear to be a story of civilian deaths,certainly not at the hands of the jihadist gunmen framed for the crime,

 Amedy Coulibaly's final video.Courtesy of o SITE the premier auteurs of fake terrorism for more than a decade.
Amedy Coulibaly’s final video. Courtesy of o SITE the premier auteurs of fake terrorism for more than a decade.

Overnight the SITE intelligence group a known agent of Western Intelligence agencies, helpfully published the supposed “martyrdom” video of the supposed vile Jew hating terrorist Amedy Coulibaly. SITE claimed to have found the video on a Twitter site “associated with the (un)”Islamic state” Here is SITE’s twitter feed. https://twitter.com/siteintelgroup
The video was laughable trash, as they all are, but even more revealing is the video of the Porte de Vincennes siege denouement appears to depict an entirely theatrical event although I am completely willing to be proven incorrect in this assertion. I am no firearms expert, far from it, but this video simply makes no sense.

UNCENSORED Moment Special Force Storm Paris Supermarket L’assaut final porte de Vincennes

Police outside Hyper Cacher Supermarket. Doors closed. Shutter down.
Police outside Hyper Cacher Supermarket. Doors closed. Shutter down.

vlcsnap-2015-01-12-00h41m29s144As the video begins, the Supermarket named “Hyper Cacher” , (being French for  Kosher Super more or less),has a number of entrances at the front but all appear to be closed with a metal roller door completely closed behind a set of glass doors at the front of the supermarket. As two groups of Police approach the door,the roller door begins to rise. Who raised the door and why is something of a mystery because the controls for the door will be located inside the building, I guess it is possible the police hacked into it somehow,but these systems are generally not computerised. The roller door opens and bizarrely, a shot is heard on the video whilst the roller door is still at ground level. This makes no sense.

Shot is heard whilst the metal door is closed.
Shot is heard whilst the metal door is closed.

As the door rises, the groups of policeman appear to open fire extensively on the interior of the supermarket, it is rather unclear why or at whom they are firing, there are after all dozens of civilians inside and we cannot see the gunman. Again, it makes no sense.

Policeman enters straight through the line of fire od the police to the right?
Policeman enters straight through the line of fire od the police to the right

The event takes a truly bizarre turn as we see a policeman enter the building, walikng straight through the line of fire of his fellow police. This is impossible.
vlcsnap-2015-01-12-21h09m59s174Seconds later, we see a large orange flash, a stun grenade or similar low impact incendiary has detonated outside the Supermarket at the feet of the police. They do not flinch.

Orange flash is outside.

This makes no sense at all, there is already a policeman inside so why throw a stun grenade at him,? It is also very odd that the device detonates outside, unless this is only a show.
There is the sound of heavy gunfire throughout yet we see no sign that the bullets have any physical impact.
Shortly after the orange flash outside, a figure is seen to run towards the glass doors, he appears to be pointlessly carrying a rifle on his back, where it is unusable even as a club, his hands also appear to be tied together, although this cannot be stated for certain.


The police are firing constantly, yet the man runs right up to the glass doors, at which point, he seems to theatrically throw himself towards the inside facing wall and slides to the ground.
There is no sign of any blood or injury to the man at any point despite the fact that numerous police are supposedly firing dozens of shots into him at close range. No shell casings are evident and if we look closely at the footage of the man on the ground he shows no signs of having been shot at any stage. Other than the theatrical flounce towards the wall.
What seems to be happening as the man is on the ground is that the police are shining their torches upon the man to create a weak illusion of him being hit with flashes of gunfire.


Multiple evidence tends to indicate that the police at the supermarket were not using live ammunition. These add to the immense anomalies associated with the supposed murder of the French policeman Ahmed Merabet whose bloodless execution is simply impossible.

The curiously bloodless police murder.
The curiously bloodless police murder.

If the lack of blood on the scene isn’t convincing, what about the fact that someone clearly planted fake blood on the scene the following day?  A fact made obvious by the profusion of blood where there had been none the previous day, but more importantly, it has clearly rained in Paris on the 8th of January, the streets are universally wet, there is no doubt, so any authentic blood would have undoubtedly been dispersed or washed away, and yet it sits there and one British journalist working for Sky TV states:  “the blood that was put there to (and is about to say commemorate or mark but catches himself.) because of what happened yesterday. So he actually says “the blood has been put there because of what happened yesterday. “

“the blood that was put here to..because of what happened yesterday. Please note that it has been raining.
The planted bloodstain plain as day.

Journalists misspeak frequently of course, but the fact that it has been raining combined with the total lack of blood at the “killing scene” combined with the statement from the journalist make it absolutely certain that blood has been planted as part of the psyop. Now do you think that people place stage blood at authentic crime scenes? It is unthinkable. This deception points to only one thing. The killing of the policeman Ahmed Merabet was a work of fiction and therefore it seems likely, (as unbelievable as it sounds) that the whole day 1 massacre at Charlie Hebdo was fabricated. This is not a conclusion, it is too early, but that is the direction these videos point.

We are under siege, of course, just from an entirely contrary source.to the public villains. The tempo of operations is escalating alarmingly and no-one should fool themselves, they can flick the switch to genuine carnage at any time. This is all leading up to something, and it can’t be good. The idea of the destruction of the Hoover Dam is pure madness at face value, but they keep putting it into the narrative.

These mega-rituals, these psy-ops rely entirely on the immediate shock and emotional impact of the crime. It should be no surprise that these fabrications gave succeeded in the short term. They are after all simply pressing the buttons of people they have brainwashed for generations. The truth behind these events will emerge, the only question is how much carnage and division the evil forces behind these mega-lies can cause prior to their exposure and downfall. Ultimately the only rational choice facing humanity is to put each and every petty identity based division behind us. All other roads will simply lead to unceasing and futile carnage and suffering. All the proof of this is written in our history.

This piece dealt with Operation Gladio in a very superficial and desultory manner, A tremendous amount of quality information on this subject can be found here:

Details of how the Israeli Mossad inserted themselves into and directed the Belgian Gladio network in the mid 1980s can be found in Former Mossad Agent Victor  Ostrovsky’s second book, “the Other Side of Deception”/The Belgian story is at the very beginning of the book after the preface.  the PDF can be found here http://blockyourid.com/~gbpprorg/obama/the_other_side_of_deception.pdf

.”NATO’s Secret Armies – Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe Daniele Ganser.

Click to access 119640.pdf

and here:

Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis

4 thoughts on “False Flag Terror: the Triumph of the Strategy of Tension in France

  1. […] I respectfully dissent from a number of things written here. The broad masses of people are our target audience, they represent the centre of gravity in the struggle we are engaged in, deriding them or mocking their IQ is understandable, everyone needs to let off steam at times, but it is completely futile and unhelpful. Telling them how stupid we think they are is not going to bring them over to our side of the argument where we need them to be. I realise it is meant humorously, but in all honesty the phrase “too stupid to live” is no more than despicable Nazi or neo- fascist trash. Disgusting. I would have thought this beneath you. The loyalty to the Prophet is laudable in many ways, but ultimately it just allows the forces of darkness and evil to manipulate Muslims and provoke them at will. It is not intelligent to allow people to provoke and manipulate you in this manner. It is actually infantile nonsense. “The correct response to the goonish provocateurs of Islamophobia is simply to ignore them, edit them from your world and forget they exist. They are nothing and targeting them in any way only supports the despicable narrative they are trying to promote.” https://crimesofempire.com/2015/01/12/false-flag-terror-the-triumph-of-the-strategy-of-tension-in-fra… […]


  2. […] I respectfully dissent from a number of things written here. The broad masses of people are our target audience, they represent the centre of gravity in the struggle we are engaged in, deriding them or mocking their IQ is understandable, everyone needs to let off steam at times, but it is completely futile and unhelpful. Telling them how stupid we think they are is not going to bring them over to our side of the argument where we need them to be. I realise it is meant humorously, but in all honesty the phrase “too stupid to live” is no more than despicable Nazi or neo- fascist trash. Disgusting. I would have thought this beneath you. The loyalty to the Prophet is laudable in many ways, but ultimately it just allows the forces of darkness and evil to manipulate Muslims and provoke them at will. It is not intelligent to allow people to provoke and manipulate you in this manner. It is actually infantile nonsense. “The correct response to the goonish provocateurs of Islamophobia is simply to ignore them, edit them from your world and forget they exist. They are nothing and targeting them in any way only supports the despicable narrative they are trying to promote.” https://crimesofempire.com/2015/01/12/false-flag-terror-the-triumph-of-the-strategy-of-tension-in-fra… […]


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