Terreur Française du Grand Deception

The curiously bloodless police murder.
The curiously bloodless police murder.

January 14th, 2015.

Terreur Française du Grand Deception.

Executions in Yabroud Prove Paris Police Shooting a Total Fabrication.

The images I am going to use here are bloody and unpleasant and depict real violence and death. These stills come from a video shot in Syria in early 2014. The Syrian Army and Hezbollah fighters succeeded in dislodging the rebel jihadists from a key stronghold in Western Syria, a town named Yabroud.
Following the battle, Hezbollah captured a number of fighters, apparently from the Jabhat al Nusra, al Qaeda’s Syrian franchise. The prisoners are filmed being interrogated and beaten by the Hezbollah fighters on the roof of a building.
Later they are pictured ,bloody and piled up in the rear of a van.

The fighters are pulled from the van after a radio message.
The fighters are pulled from the van after a radio message.

At this point it appears that the fighters receive a radio message telling them that they should execute the prisoners, as after receiving a communication, they pull the Jabhat al Nusra fighters from the van and proceed to execute them at close range using AK 47 Assault Rifles, the same weapon the purported Charlie Hebdo terrorists used.
This video was a big embarrassment to Hezbollah and the group claimed to have taken disciplinary action against individuals involved in the filming of these events.
I am not trying to impugn or single out Hezbollah. Every military group commits excesses on occasion without any exception. This is not an IS style propaganda video.

Hezbollah’s success in Syria was reflected in the fact that following the fall of Qusair in May 2013, the defeated jihadists began to wage a terror campaign against civilian targets in Lebanon, murdering dozens in a series of car bomb attacks aimed at pro-Hezbollah areas.
Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timeline of violent events relating to the Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon (2011–14) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The point of showing this rather gruesome and unpleasant footage is that it shows us precisely what an AK 47 fired at a human head from close range looks like.

This highlights the stark contrast between the real thing in Syria and what happened in Paris last week. These images are unpleasant and I am not seeking to celebrate or downplay this death. The crimes of Jabhat al Nusra are mammoth and they were the author’s of the false flag chemical weapons attacks in 2013, that killed hundreds of Syrians. This execution is a crime, I would suggest that the crimes of Jabhat al Nusra are far greater than this crime.
(Jabhat al Nusra Chemical Attack links)
Jabhat al-Nusra Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack | Global Research

Activist Post: New Video Evidence Points To al-Nusra Chemical Attack Against Syrian Soldiers

Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels · LRB 17 April 2014

Was Assad Not Responsible for the Chemical Weapons Attack Last August? | Foreign Policy Blogs

We know the men we see are Hezbollah fighters because Hezbollah fighters in Syria wear regular military uniforms with an identifying yellow ribbon on the shoulder.

The Hezbollah Identifier.
The Hezbollah Identifier.

We can clearly see that these men are armed with the AK 47 Kalashnikov with the classic curved magazine. .

The AK 47.
The AK 47.

The prisoner is on the ground having been roughly dragged from a van.

the captured fighter is killed in cold blood.
The frame immediately following the execution.

The prisoner is shot in the head by the AK 47. A large amount of blood emerges from his head immediately, his entire body is convulsed by the impact of the round.
The prisoner is dead. A very unpleasant scene. A pool of blood is easily identified under and around his head and it almost appears that the top of his head has been blown off.

Severe damage.
Severe damage.

The footage is wretched in quality compared to the scene depicting the claimed murder of Ahmed Erabat.
But in Paris there is simply nothing to see. Nothing happens when the policeman is shot in the head. No convulsion, no blood, no back of the head blown off, no gush, no bone, no muzzle flash, no expelled cartridge. Nothing.
How can that possibly be?

Photo Analysis Courtesy of Veterans Today
Photo Analysis Courtesy of Veterans Today
Photo Analysis Courtesy of Veterans Today

The only possible counter could be,”well, we did sanitise the footage, we removed all the blood and evidence of a shot being fired so as not to upset and incite people.”
It is not a good argument, but it is all they have. The reason it is no good is that they have tried to suppress the “sanitised” footage itself. Why would they want to suppress that which had already been sanitised? It is nonsense.

This is a difficult story but the other irrefutable evidence that we are being fed monstrous lies about this event is the ID plant. This is a classic technique used by intelligence agencies in order to frame an individual. It was used on multiple occasions to sell the evil 911 lie and this is a flashing red light screaming “Do not believe a word of this! Not a word.”

Planted Evidence Part of a Classic pattern of Deception Seen in Previous False Flag Attacks.

“Police found an ID document of Said Kouachi at the scene of the shooting, CNN affiliate BFMTV reported. “It was their only mistake,” said Dominique Rizet, BFMTV’s police and justice consultant, reporting that the discovery helped the investigation.” (Source)

But the most lumpen street level criminal would know not to take ID to the scene of a crime in the first place, let alone dump a vehicle full of damning evidence for the police to find.

“Jihadist flags and Molotov cocktails were found in an abandoned getaway car, a black Citroën C3.” (Source)

Said Kouachi is claimed to have spent months training in al Qaeda training camps in Yemen. (Source)

If we look at the footage of the supposed Charlie Hebdo shooters Said and Cherif Kouachi as they run around on the street, their clothing is consistent with the clothing of soldiers or guerrillas.

There is no way that people dressed like that, who bothered to pick up a random shoe in the street for unknown reasons while purportedly leaving the scene of a massacre they had conducted would ever, ever be so careless and idiotic as to leave their ID behind. This is beyond a little too convenient, it is farcical.

The gunman in Paris
The gunmen in Paris

Many people know about the incongruous Shia red bandanna and passport planted in the plane-less Pennsylvania field, and everyone knows of the insulting story of the pristine passport found on the ground on New York following the explosive destruction of the World Trade Centre but my favourite 911 planted evidence is a little more obscure.

On September the 9th, 2001, a sports bag was left at a Maryland Mosque. Attached to the sports bag was a note reading “A gift for the brothers.” Very amusing.
Where does this information come from? The FBI.

Context of ‘September 11-13, 2001: 9/11 Hijackers Leave a Clear Trail of Evidence’

“September 9, 2001: 9/11 Hijackers Drop Duffle Bag in Front of Mosque, Leave Evidence of Flight Training from 2000
“9/11 hijackers Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar stay in a motel near a fundamentalist storefront mosque in Laurel, Maryland. The hijackers drop off two bags at the mosque, to which they attach a note stating: “gift for the brothers.” The FBI will recover the bags one day after the 9/11. An FBI document will identify the mosque at the Ayah Islamic Center, also known as the Ayah Dawah mosque. According to the 9/11 Commission, the bags contain “fruit, clothing, flight logs, and various other materials.” (9/11 Commission, 8/21/2004, pp. 53)  The FBI will later reveal that the bags contain pilot log books, receipts, and other evidence documenting the brief flight training that Alhazmi and Almihdhar underwent in San Diego in early 2000. It is unclear why they would have kept the receipts, some mentioning their names, for over a year and then left them at a mosque to be found. [Federal Bureau of Investigation, 10/2001, pp. 273, 295”

The really devastating fact about the bag left at the Maryland mosque was that it contained the receipts for flying lessons taken by the “hijackers” more than a year earlier.
We are expected to believe that some Muslim suicidal terrorist thought it was important to carry around ancient receipts for flight training and then leave them at a Mosque.
It is one of those classic moments when the agencies responsible for concocting the Global War on Terror get a little too cute, a little clever-clever and reveal themselves.

This is not Ottawa or Sydney, a pathetic sideshow to pass new Security Bills. This is a serious attempt from the forces of darkness and evil to revive the entire Clash of Civilisations narrative so that they can return to major war on Israel’s enemies that could see tens of millions dead under a worst case scenario. We can’t walk away from this one as largely happened with Sydney and Ottawa.

These false flags are laughable in many ways, but this is deadly serious. These crimes are just the little crimes that give birth to the real crimes, the wars of aggression that we have repeatedly seen destroy nations all in the name of bogus national security or in the name of fake Western liberation.


Charlie Hebdo shooting – Wikipedia

Fiasco France: Lie to Me Once (updated) | Veterans Today

Newly Released FBI Timeline Reveals New Information about 9/11 Hijackers that Was Ignored by 9/11 Commission