Massacre in Tunis

Civilians Scramble to safety in Tunis, March 18th, 2015.
Civilians Scramble to safety in Tunis, March 18th, 2015.

Massacre in Tunis and the Strange Career of Abdel Hakim Belhaj

March 19th, 2015.

At least 21 people are dead and more than forty are wounded after gunman attacked civilians in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia yesterday. At least two gunman dressed in military uniforms attacked a group of tourists as they disembarked from a bus, before entering the National Bardo Museum in Tunis where they took a number of hostages before the site was stormed by Tunisian Security Forces and the attackers were killed.


This narrative is contradicted by other accounts such as the Tunisian journalist Farah Sampti who claims that the gunmen first entered the Parliament, then fled to the museum when they were spotted by Security forces there and then attacked the Museum. Farah Sampti gave this account when speaking to Russia Today when the event was still ongoing so the conflicting accounts may be simply due to confusion

Although the Bardo Museum adjoins the Tunisian parliament  at face value the attack appears to be classic “economic sabotage” terror attack like the Luxor massacre of tourists in Egypt in 1997.

According to

“Employing 270,00 people, the tourism sector is of vital importance to the Tunisian economy, contributing 6.2 percent to the GDP each year and 16 percent to foreign exchange earnings. In 1999 Tunisia welcomed 4,832,000 tourists, three-quarters of whom were French, German, Italian, or British.”

So the possible impact of this one attack is absolutely huge for the people of Tunisia.

Echoes of the Luxor Attack of 1997.

Coffins await the return trip to Europe following the Luxor Massacre of November 1997.
Coffins await the return trip to Europe following the Luxor Massacre of November 1997.

The Luxor attack was a high quality  false flag terror attack that left sixty two people dead after a number of “jihadist gunmen” attacked Western tourists at the historic site in November 1997. The Luxor massacre was ordered by the known  Western asset and the current, titular head of al Qaeda Ayman al Zawahiri. Sibel Edmonds has claimed to have sighted documents naming Zawahiri as an asset of NATO and Edmonds is a highly credible source in my opinion.

IS Foreknowledge?

Details of the attackers are not yet known however the IS group appears to have been aware the attack was imminent as according to the Daily Mail,
“A tweet sent from pro-ISIS Twitter accounts accurately predicted the Tunisia terror attack, raising the possibility the terror group were behind the atrocity.
“Sent just hours before the gunmen opened fire on the popular museum tone tweet read: ‘Coming good news to Tunisia’s Muslims, and a shock to the disbelievers and the hypocrites, especially those who claim to be cultured. The tweet was sent from the account @riif0BA9, which regularly posts pro-ISIS messages, with particularly reference to militants originally from Tunisia.”

A large number of Tunisians are claimed to have traveled to Syria in recent years to fight with the Western backed jihadist forces.

Moderate and Cosmopolitan Tunisia- a Disappointment to the Empire

.Prior to independence, Tunisia was ruled by a series of different Empires, including the Ottoman Turks and finally, the French. Independence was achieved in the decade after the Second World War when the French departed. The tradition of Islam in Tunisia is overwhelmingly of moderation.

As Wikipedia explains, “Although the Sufi community is small, its tradition of mysticism permeates the practice of Islam throughout the country. During annual Ramadan festivals, Sufis provide public cultural entertainment by performing religious dances.”

There is almost no history of extremist violence in Tunisia although a synagogue in Djerba  was attacked on April 11th, 2002, al Qaeda was blamed. The planning for the attack seems to have come from Europe.

The Manufactured Coup of 2011.
The moderate Tunisian government of Ben Ali was the first “domino” to fall during the CIA sponsored Arab spring of 2011. The Aangirfan article WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO BEN ALI outlines the synthetic nature of the event through the account of the deposed President’s wife, Leila Ben Ali:
“Leila describes how the coup was caused by the “indoctrination of the masses, the distribution of money in poor areas, the recruitment of snipers, the intensification of protests through targeted killings, and the torching of homes.”

“She reports that there were an “unusual number of internships” given to young Tunisians in western countries in the months before the revolt.”

“She claims that President Ben Ali’s flight from Tunis in January 2011 was a trick organised by Ali Seriati, the head of presidential security.”
“She says that her husband was not aware that the flight was going to lead to permanent exile in Saudi Arabia.
Ben Ali took the flight after being informed of a planned assassination attempt.”

Unlike Egypt and Libya Tunisia did not descend into chaos and violence following the coup. In December 2014,  the moderate and secular Nidaa Tounes party trounced their Islamist rivals providing a likely hint as to the motivation of the attack. The economic and political destabilisation of a moderate and successful Arab state.

Tunisia bordered by the deeply troubled srares of Libya and Algeria.
Tunisia bordered by the deeply troubled states of Libya and Algeria.

Abdel Hakim Belhaj and Libya.
Tunisia is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the south-east, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Libya is in a state of utter chaos following the regime change caused by the NATO attack of 2011. Libya has two separate governments and many militia groups are vying for power on the ground.
One noted militant fighter who fought alongside the West to topple the former Libyan leader Gaddafi is a man named Abdel Hakim Belhaj.

The Mysterious Abdel Hakim Belhaj
The Mysterious Abdel Hakim Belhaj

The Strange Career of Abdel Hakim Belhaj

Abdel Hakim Belhaj has had an extremely interesting history that makes it very hard to understand who he works for. Throughout the War on Terror Belhaj has played a number of roles on different sides of the conflict.
Wikipedia laughably describes Belhaj as “a Libyan politician and military leader. He is the leader of the conservative Islamist al-Watan Party and former head of Tripoli Military Council.[3] He was the emir of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an anti-Gaddafi guerrilla group “

You’ve got to love the  “guerrilla” group at the end and the fact that they have not quite managed to keep up with the twists and turns in the Belhaj career as they have omitted to mention that Belhaj has recently emerged as the leader of the IS group in Libya.

Belhaj emerged as a fighter with the highly obscure and ineffective Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Who as Wikpedia puts it “formed a group, but were chased from the country before they could achieve anything..”
The Belhaj exile was spent as a student of the CIA training camps in Afghanistan.
In 1992, Belhaj returned to Libya and set about doing the work of the loyal Western “asset”, he spent six years unsuccessfully trying to kill Muammar Gaddafi the Libyan leader.
In 1998, Belhaj again fled into exile. Between 1998 and 2004 Belhaj was apparently in Afghanistan again.
The 2003 reconciliation between the Libyan Government and the West led to the arrest of Belhaj and his wife in Bangkok in 2004 in an operation that involved both the CIA and MI6.
Belhaj was held by the CIA at a secret prison in Thailand before being returned to Libya where he was imprisoned for seven years and tortured. It is understood that the British external intelligence service MI6 was complicit in and aware of the crimes committed against Belhaj by his Libyan captors.
Belhaj remained in a Libyan prison until 2010, when he was released as part of a program that saw political prisoners released.

You haven't made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.
You haven’t made it big as a leader of Jihad until you meet with the American Emir-Senator John McCain greets Belhaj following the ouster of Gaddafi.

Amazing Transformation.

When the West began bombing Libya in 2011, Belhaj underwent a remarkable transformation from dangerous extremist to valued Western asset and was appointed the Commander of the anti Gaddafi forces in Tripoli in August 2011.
Once Gaddafi was ousted, Belhaj became one of many militant leaders vying for power. He also launched legal action against the British Government for their complicity in his torture.
The formation of an IS group in Libya was announced in November 214 by the other Emir, Baghdadi, who stated

“We announce to you the expansion of the Islamic State to new countries, to the countries of the Haramayn [Saudi Arabia], Yemen, Egypt, Libya [and] Algeria”.

An extremely strange and clearly fraudulent mass execution video was later produced so that Western audiences could learn of the group’s existence in a suitable “horrifying” way. Later a US intelligence official stated that:
“Belhadj is supporting and coordinating the efforts of the ISIS training centers in eastern Libya around the city of Derna,

Which begs the question if they know those activities are taking place and they are at war with the IS group, why do they not attack and destroy the training camp?
So the Belhaj career seems to read something like: independent militant, CIA sponsored militant, Western enemy and supposed terrorist. Prisoner. Leading Western ally. Leader of the IS in Libya.
The only rational conclusion to draw from this bizarre career is that Belhaj after presumably a short period of “sincere militancy” prior to his first exile in the 1980s, has been a Western intelligence asset all along and the whole prison stint was a betrayal of Belhaj by his handlers. He was burned. Perhaps he had misunderstood his role as he had joined the Taliban in Afghanistan and was working against Western interests at that time.
Since the 2011 “good guy makeover” it has really been obvious that Belhaj operates on behalf of Western interests and therefore the logical conclusion, unproven, has to be that Belhaj is still following the orders of his Western handlers.
We know that Western Intelligence support and psyops are the “missing link” behind the rise of the IS group in Syria and Iraq. We know that Belhaj has a history of changing sides and collaboration with the West. It is almost impossible to conclude otherwise than Belhaj is still acting under Western orders without being able to rock solid prove it.
The facts about who was behind the Tunis museum massacre will likely never emerge. The terrorists responsible are apparently dead (there are rumours of escapes also) the IS tweet is the only compelling evidence to have emerged at this point, and in my opinion, the IS group in Libya trained by the Western asset Belhaj would be the best place for the investigators to start.

17 shot dead at Tunisian parliament in Bardo museum attack | Daily Mail Online

Land Destroyer: Washington’s Al Qaeda Ally Now Leading ISIS in Libya

aangirfan: The CIA, Mossad and the Djerba Bombing.





Zine El Abidine Ben Ali – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Land Destroyer: CNN: Libyan “Rebels” Are Now ISIS

Islam in Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tourism in Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economy of Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics of Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abdelhakim Belhadj – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Luxor massacre – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tunisia elections: veteran politician Beji Caid Essebsi wins run-off vote | World news | The Guardian

The Tunisian election result isn’t simply a victory for secularism over Islamism | Monica Marks | Comment is free | The Guardian

History of Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of modern Tunisia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tunisian parliamentary election, 2014 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_2014#Results

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2015 Egyptian military intervention in Libya – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant occupation of Derna – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5 thoughts on “Massacre in Tunis

  1. […] Il 20 febbraio 2015, “l’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti in Tunisia veniva cacciato dal palazzo presidenziale“. Secondo quanto riferito, l’ambasciatore statunitense Jacob Walles fece infuriare il presidente tunisino Beji al-Sabsi quando provò a fargli pressioni per accettare una base militare statunitense in Tunisia. Secondo quanto riferito, il presidente al-Sabsi non solo espulse Walles dalla sua residenza, ma si rifiutò di avere una conversazione telefonica con il presidente Obama. Tunisia: ambasciatore statunitense espulso dal palazzo presidenziale/Massacro a Tunisi […]


  2. […] Il 20 febbraio 2015, “l’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti in Tunisia veniva cacciato dal palazzo presidenziale“. Secondo quanto riferito, l’ambasciatore statunitense Jacob Walles fece infuriare il presidente tunisino Beji al-Sabsi quando provò a fargli pressioni per accettare una base militare statunitense in Tunisia. Secondo quanto riferito, il presidente al-Sabsi non solo espulse Walles dalla sua residenza, ma si rifiutò di avere una conversazione telefonica con il presidente Obama.Tunisia: ambasciatore statunitense espulso dal palazzo presidenziale/Massacro a Tunisi […]


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