Odessa Massacre: the Day the Kiev Junta Dropped the Mask

Nightmarish scenes of the new Ukraine, Odessa mat, 2nd, 2014.
Nightmarish scenes of the new Ukraine, Odessa May, 2nd, 2014.

May 2nd, 2015.

Tony Abbott “Australia feels a strong bond with Ukraine arising from the MH17 atrocity & I thank @poroshenko for his support “
7:57 PM – 10 Dec 2014.

On May 2nd, 2014, an anti-Kiev junta protest camp was over-run in the South Eastern Ukraine city of Odessa and the unarmed protesters there were chased into a nearby Trade Union Building that was then set on fire by Ukraine nationalists, who were allegedly part of the Right Sector militia, By the time the fires were extinguished and the smoke had cleared at least 48 of the protesting civilians were dead.

[eng subs] Interview with Odessa massacre survivor, recently released from UA prison

The Police chose not to intervene. The Fire department were apparently prevented from attending.

Little more than two months after coming to power in the State Department ordered coup of late February, 2014, the Kiev junta really began to show how dark some of their methods and associates truly were on that day..

This was not the hard-working government of committed “reformist” civil servants that liars such as George Soros and Bernard Henri Levy still try to portray. The Right sector are really quite a dark and extreme group and they were key stakeholders along with the far right Svoboda party, in the new government due to their prominent role in the coup..

The protesters were chased into the building which was burned and set upon and murdered both inside and outside the building.
The protesters were chased into the building which was burned and set upon and murdered both inside and outside the building.

The Massacre was Police Supervised.

The massacre is blamed on the Right Sector group. But it is clear from the testimony of eyewitnesses that the police supervised and allowed the killings to happen. The police were complicit, the West has tried to characterise the deaths as the results of “clashes”.


The people there were severely outnumbered and defenseless.The Ukraine government lied and stated they were Russians, as if that would somehow make the violent death of a pregnant woman okay!

The victims were not in fact Russian they were Ukrainians murdered for opposing the new “Freedom state” imposed on Ukraine by the West in the violent overthrow of the democratically elected Ukraine President last February on the instructions of the US State department.

The murders had of course begun even prior to the gaining of power, the pro-Western “freedom heroes” cleverly murdered enough Maidan protesters to destroy the Ukraine government and ascend to power..

The Odessa massacre was an immense tragedy and a crime against humanity,  and the day the supposedly “free’ and “Liberal” new Ukraine government began to reveal itself in all it’s horror. The deceptions and trickery of the Maidan were abandoned and instead there is raw violence bordering on savagery here. It is out in the open.

No Prosecutions.

One year after the Odessa tragedy there have been no prosecutions of those responsible, nor any sign that prosecutions will ever take place under this Ukraine government. This fact alone indicates that the Western support for the current Ukraine government has nothing to do with democracy, human rights or any of the other fine concepts indicated in the propaganda produced by the likes of George Soros and Bernard Henri Levy..

Odessa police with false flag provocateurs posing as anti Maidan protesters.
Odessa police with false flag provocateurs posing as anti Maidan protesters.
Nationalists prevent the Firemen from attending the Trade Union fire.
Ultra-Nationalists prevent the Firemen from attending the Trade Union fire.
The Maidan propagandists tried to show pride in the massacre! This Youtube still is from the Storm Clouds Gathering video.
The Maidan propagandists tried to show pride in the massacre! This Youtube still is from the Storm Clouds Gathering video.
The pride was very reminiscent of Israel...or Nazi Germany.
The pride was very reminiscent of Israel…or Nazi Germany.
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Buland with Yatseniuk, Klitchko, and Oleh Tyahnybok of Svonoda.
Proud as punch! Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Buland with Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko, and Oleh Tyahnybok of Svonoda.

The Western Media will tell any lie and cover up any crime.

The severe lack of interest in this event from the Western media is very, very telling and a reminder that all of their professed concerns for human rights are completely phony and come along only whenever there is a need to have the chaps blow up and destroy another nation. It is naked propaganda, always.

As soon as the nation is destroyed those civilians depart forever for the scrap-heap of history never to be mentioned again. Ever.

People died in the fires, many others emerged from the fires only to be murdered by thugs in full view of the police.
People died in the fires, many others emerged from the fires only to be murdered by thugs in full view of the police.

The Odessa Massacre – What REALLY Happened

Odessa beginning pravy sektor flags inside

Одесса дом профсоюзов ПОЛНОЕ ВИДЕО

Odessa Pravy Sektor shooting victims

pravy sektor beating victims jumping from windows

Очевидец Одесса 02 05 2014 Odessa Ukraine eyewitness of the slaughter

Murder in Odessa and a pregnant woman also

Pregnant woman killed in Odessa, Ukraine, on 02 May, 2014

Odessa Massacre: 1 year on, 48 victims still get no justice

This video examines some of the provocateurs involved on the day.

Бойня в Одессе результат провокации7

Videos and Photos of the Odessan Massacre, and Why It Was Done Washington’s Blog

Odessa massacre probe falsified? Parliament inquiry member blasts ‘redacted’ results — RT News

Crimes against Humanity Committed by Kiev Regime: The Case for an Independent Ukrainian War Crimes Tribunal | Global Research

R.I.P Mark Elston

Mark in Sudbury circa 2022 . (Source)

By James Robertson.

November 7th, 2023.

R.I.P Mark Elston


Terrible news.

Tribute to Mark Elston, 1960 – 2023

I received the news by E-mail. A couple of weeks after the fact: Mark has died, he drowned off the coast of Stornoway, a small town on the coast of the Outer Hebrides, a group of islands off the coast of Western Scotland. It is believed that he had been praying and fell into the ocean.

Mark’s Legacy.

Mark was a wonderful and unique person whom I am most grateful to have known. Mark was a blogger, a street activist, a fearless and relentless seeker of truth and the world is much the worse for his departure.

Mark’s sites are a wealth of links, pithy observations and a great resource and it is hoped that someone maintains Marks’ sites, especially Plant A Seed and Truthscoop, each the product of years of work with hundreds of pieces and thousands of links. Each an amazingly broad and deep source of information.

Plant a Seed


Prayer Letter

Caring is Everything.

The most important thing about Mark, the core fact of Mark was that he cared deeply and passionately about everything.

Whether the subject was Covid truth, UK drill music, the war in Ukraine or Christian theology Mark brought an incomparable energy that made him one of the most unique and interesting people I have been lucky enough to meet.

We started talking via Skype in mid 2015 and had regular 3 or 4 hour conversations consistently for years until in 2022 I went to the UK and was able to meet Mark in person for the first (and sadly last) time.

Mark was more open minded than I and it wasn’t close.

As soon as people querying the shape of the earth appeared on the scene I dismissed them immediately, but Mark was not so dismissive.

Far from it, he became a Flat Earther.

We never really discussed the topic although he would raise it occasionally and at a certain point i said with exasperation

“So what is the best evidence for this then Mark?” or similar.

“Well, all of the supposed photographs of the earth as a globe photographed from space are fake.” Mark responded nonchalantly.

I did not know what to say and have no idea what I said next. I assume I just shrugged it off and changed the subject.

Later, I searched on the internet for photographs of earth from space and was somewhat discomfited to discover that Mark had been right. Without even  double checking it was obvious that they were not authentic photographs of the planet.

The search term Earth from space gives us this array of ridiculous images. (Source)

But that didn’t mean that we weren’t spinning on a globe, merely that space travel beyond low earth orbit had been faked.

It is pretty much common knowledge that the “Apollo Moon Landing” series was filmed entirely on earth, so that didn’t seem too  great a stretch.


Eventually I stumbled across a video made by someone with a laser pointer who showed that the curvature of the earth that is essential for the spinning ball model is impossible to observe in the field.


I greatly appreciate Mark for having put me on the path to this and other important but difficult truths but mostly I am just thankful and grateful to have known Mark and disappointed not to be able to see him again in this world but the sadness is softened by the knowledge that Mark has merely left this realm and is now in a better place.

Thank you for everything mate, I was truly blessed to have known you.