the Horrors of Hampstead Happened Elsewhere Many Times.

Teresa’s escape from brutal ‘satanic cult’ and bizarre rituals (1989) | 60 Minutes Australia

July 29th, 2015.

A Very Simple Choice.

It is deeply unwelcome information. It is knowledge that cannot possibly bring happiness or pleasure but to pretend that these things do not happen is to be complicit in the acts of evil. There is no choice. Not really.

I have never really been associated with Satanism, but assume that most Satanists or dark occultists do not engage in these practices. It is clear however that some, indeed apparently many do.

The fact that there was a fairly successful short term cover up of the Hampstead case should come as no surprise, nor should the complicity of the BBC in the cover up with their laughable, disgusting interview of the Hampstead “Dad”. The BBC is an organisation with long and intimate links with the “circle of evil.” in Britain and Jimmy Saville, the depraved child molester, satanist and murderer who doubled as a “beloved BBC personality” exemplifies the odious and despicable role of the BBC over decades,  along with many other key British institutions.

Satan’s Children.

The parallels between the allegations made in Hampstead and the claims made by Theresa in Satan’s children are absolutely spellbinding. The child sexual abuse, the rituals, the murders, the cannibalism, the murder of small children and babies. The amazing thing is that Theresa’s story is so similar but her experience is so much deeper and greater than that of the Hampstead children as she has remained as a child cult member and victim into puberty.
She claims that she gave birth at the age eleven. She claims to have been impregnated seven or eight times but she miscarried or was given cult abortions by cult doctors in the other cases. She claims they threatened to kill her baby if she didn’t co-operate. She claims that she witnessed several murders including one of vagrant she describes in excruciating detail. She describes cannibalism including being forced to eat part of her own aborted fetus. She claims that she thought the abuse happened to everyone.

At times Theresa is upset, at other times she is unaffected, almost in shock. She is one of the most compelling witnesses to these acts that I have encountered. Through no fault of their own, very small children do not make the best witnesses, Theresa is fifteen or sixteen and it is very clear that she is describing real events. It is stunning.
Theresa’s story is not confirmation of the Hampstead allegations, but it is powerful evidence that these claims are nowhere near as outlandish as they might have sounded at first.
It seems quite clear that there is a sub group of “transgressionist ultras” within dark occultism who believe that power is obtained through the interdimensional interactions they seek to achieve through acts of extreme moral transgression, with the more sick and wrong the better. These crimes are an attempt t please the gods of evil. The ancient ones, who are they believe some type of ethereal entities whom they believe have the ability to help them shape the world towards their desired conclusion.

This abuse, the ritual abuse is not recreation, although there must be recreationally motivated members, conventional pedophiles and garden variety sadists in need of an outlet amongst the flock.
But this is something else they are doing. They are seeking to carve out a niche for evil entities, to dream them into existence or nourish them through extravagant acts of transgression and evil and thus somehow harness the power of the entities that these acts unleash to achieve their earthly goals which if we take them at their word, vary between their ascension to power as new monarchs of a slave state to the destruction of this world entirely.

If these ideas sound insane,  understand that according to highly respected occultist Kenneth Grant, a key Crowley student and acolyte in his  work the Magical Revival Crowley believed  that if his work “the Book of the Law” was published in the correct circumstances it would cause the world to end or similar complete cataclysm.

” “The Book of the Law” was published several times in Crowley’s lifetime and each publication was followed in a comparitively short time with international disasters. The Balkan War, the First World War, the Sino-Japanese War and World War II. It was Crowley’s belief that when the book is finally published in strict accordance with the instructions given by Aiwaz* it will effect the total destruction of civilization as we know it. So far, the instructions have been imperfectly executed and therefore the holocaust incomplete.”

The Magical Revival P.12.

*generally spelled Aiwass- the “entity” that supposedly “wrote” the Book of the Law” using Crowley (and his wife at that time) as a vehicle.

Satanic Ritual Abuse has Deep Roots. Hampstead children not lying! UK COVER UPS

Horror in Hampstead? It Happened

Hampstead- Analysis of the September 17th Police Interview

Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims

The Hampstead Judgement Contains Basic Factual Errors

30 thoughts on “the Horrors of Hampstead Happened Elsewhere Many Times.

  1. i believe that miyra hindley and the guy brady were involved in some kind of cult and that is why they tortured the children, and just before this miyra hindley became a christian


  2. Foster carers from the 1980,s scandal said that the foster children knew their way around the graveyard where they had been abused the grave yard was huge but they remembered the way to some type of vaults. people who do this type of things to animals and children are filthy scumbags and are no good to society.


  3. Interesting reading, Sabine. Thanks.

    Does your hatred of the BBC stem from that interview they did with you and then refused to drop?

    By the way, I love your profile photo. You have really dreamy eyes xxx


  4. “but assume that most Satanists or dark occultists do not engage in these practices.”

    I would politely disagree with this one. Given that Satanic cults operate all over the world and can orchestrate incredibly broad and deep coverups indicates mass accumulated power at the top and all the way down thru. To quote the Move Apollo 13, Houston, we have a problem! we have a very big problem. As always, publicity would be the best option so that more can avoid having the worst happen to them. Now I got videos 🙂


    • You may well be correct. One case is too many and there are many more than that. I am confident that there are many satanists who do not do this stuff and I am always keen not to make blanket accusations of an entire group of people without proper substantiation. Your description of the power is undoubtedly correct but I would suggest that in certain cases a small number of people in key roles can exercise significant influence over a large organisation, thanks for your comment.


  5. If all these things happened in Hampstead as you claim, and involved people in power, why are not people like Sabine McNeill not dead with a gunshot wound to the head? You are all so delusional.


    • Your difficulty in comprehending that this has happened is understandable. If you had taken the time to study this subject you would know that in fact many people have been dealt with very harshly in relation to these matters. Some of the best documented cases relate to the Franklin Scandal that took place in Nebraska during the 1980s with a cover up lasting into the 1990s. The Franklin Scandal saw Alisha Owen imprisoned for several years for having the temerity to tell the truth about senior political figures in Franklin and the sexual abuse they had inflicted upon her as a 15 year old girl. Another victim Troy Boner was murdered for the same reason after repeated threats failed to shut him up and in the most explosive example State Senate appointed investigator Gary Caradori was murdered along with his young son in order to curtail his investigation into the matter. The best source of information on the Franklin Scandal is in the book the Franklin Scandal written by Nick Bryant, former Nebraska politician John De Camp also wrote a book about it.
      Ultimately sv, your question shows naivety bordering on stupidity- if you had been paying attention you would have noticed that thanks to people like you and the apathy of the mass of the people, the Hampstead perpetrators have no need to harm any witnesses or activists, the fix was successful. The case was able to be stymied and waylaid with lies so there is simply no need for the “jackals”or ästeroids” to become involved.
      The Hampstead case is fresh and the investigation into what has or has not happened is still in it’s early stages but if you take the time to look at the history in Nebraska, in Belgium, in the Netherlands and so many other places you will understand that we are not deluded you are in denial. A brief account of some of these cases is here.
      Thanks for comment.


    • Those in power do not fear Sabine or anyone. Why shoot? The coverup worked pretty good, at least for now 😉 I think you might have missed that.


  6. Deuteronomy 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death
    17:7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of the people.

    I’ve been a promoter of The Laws found in The Torah (five Books of Moses) for some time now. There would not be a Satanist alive if The Law of God were enforced. Plain and simple. What is so hard to understand? Justice will not be served until that happens.

    You can see the arrogance of the Aquino couple from their response. They do not appear very fearful. They would be if they thought that Justice would be served. They’d get a bullet through them. They both look right out of “Rosemary’s Baby” which I believe was closer to being a documentary rather than a tale of fiction. How long and what more will it take for people to see the only solution to the world’s problems?


  7. Comment –

    Deuteronomy 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death
    17:7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of the people.

    I’ve been a promoter of The Laws found in The Torah (five Books of Moses) for some time now. There would not be a Satanist alive if The Law of God were enforced. Plain and simple. What is so hard to understand? Justice will not be served until that happens.

    You can see the arrogance of the Aquino couple from their response. They do not appear very fearful. They would be if they thought that Justice would be served. They’d get a bullet through them. They both look right out of “Rosemary’s Baby” which I believe was closer to being a documentary rather than a tale of fiction. How long and what more will it take for people to see the only solution to the world’s problems?


    • WEll said, New Song. POroblem is that as the Bible put it, “the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one.” Satanists now control the world and 90% or more of what goes on around us. Soon we will be preaching in sack cloth and ashes as the false messiah arrives to complete the sacrilege. For some odd reason, most of humanity does not object to the miserable world we have become to live in. They would and do prefer the dog eat dog kinds of style. So there has to be a cleansing and a cleansing it will be. Oh yes,
      There is no other site like it. Try the God’s plan section, everyone.


    • You’re right. A & G were two witnesses and a third could have been had, I suspect. Any investigation would have confirmed testimony. People do not want God’s law. They prefer their “freedom” and the accompanying misery that goes with it. But they won’t like it when they are all dying at the hands of the antichrist. And even then, at that time, they will blame God for not helping them or caring, forgetting that they did have a chance and threw it away.


  8. Theresa’s story is not confirmation of the Hampstead allegations, but it is, it truly is powerful evidence that these claims are nowhere near as outlandish as they might have sounded at first.


    • Yeah, it reads a little clunky. Too many it and is, etc. I think I fixed it “but it is powerful evidence that these claims are nowhere near as outlandish as they might have sounded at first.” Thanks for the tip.


    • Well, Theresa’s story is credible. And this was out in 89. Hampstead’s A & G spilled the beans in in 2015. Nothing had changed . . . or has it? The book “Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century, copyright 2008 nearly 20 years after Theresa, shows that mind control programming is behind most Satanic worship and that rather than treatment have progressed and gotten better, along with better prosecution. Satanists created False Memory Syndrome and I suspect they had a big had in skewing results of the huge poll sent out over the internet. Results of the survey show little difference between one form of treatment or another. The course to take was obvious in the early 90s books. Back then, only therapists answered surveys and they results were quite consistent. The recent survey in the 2008 book blurs many things. But it is clear that Satanism and Mind Control Programming go hand in hand, thereby showing that all nations are truly in the pocket of the devil/Satan. And it has never been harder to prosecute or convict than now. Hence, the 2 precious kids walked right into a hail of bullets, so to speak. They never had a chance. Now their fate lies in God’s hands. I feel better about those odds than the previous attempt. Much better! But it is clear that the problem of ritual abuse and its prosecution are beyond solution. So I beg my creator that He might hear this case and act to make it a fair fight. That’s all I ask. A pure miracle! Is that so much to ask? 😉


      • Thank you truth1now,for a wonderful comment that it is a privilege to have received. I agree with you about the False Memory syndrome completely,I will seek to read “Ritual Abuse in the 20th Century” I found the Pedocracy by Dave McGowan (something that will not appear in a Google search on the exact name and author, I just tried) and the Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant, where the broader subject of RSA is examined briefly and discovered to comprose tens of thousands of cases reported per year in the US. Thanks again truth1now, I hope that your prayers are answered.


      • I got Dave McGowan open on another window and will bookmark it, too. have heard a lot of good things about him. (USA version) I review ritual abuse in the 21st century as do others. many are down on it because the picture is sort of bleak, but that is why it is so good.

        I had another thought. Alfred Webre, a Canadian interviewer by radio and skype interviews, with some Canadian therapist who deals with SRA. (About a month ago). She said that pre-school nurseries and day care centers were taking kids in and taking them right down to a tunnel beneath the center into a bus and the tunnel went right to LAX airport where they hopped plane to serve up sex to the rich. then back by plane and bus/tunnel to be waiting for parents to pick them up. Recent excavations have proven there were underground rooms and tunnels at one place.

        But now consider this, Jade Helm shows a massive North American (NAm) tunnel system that goes anywhere in NAm. Trains carry massive amounts of military machinery. So with such an elaborate system, one need not doubt the very small system required for busing kids to LAX. And big cities have long had subways. So transporting kids in secret was a no-brainer. Tunnels or underground places are well known in SRA activities. I appreciate the link to Dave. Always a pleasure to share with intelligent people. I have dealt with far less to far less satisfaction. I am very pleased here. Your interest in crimes of empire is sincere and serious. We will have to talk about Rome changing the army from seasonal and self-employed to full time and losing their farms and land and independence. From Livy’s 1st 5 books though this incident is a small one, relatively speaking. Every nation on earth since has modeled Rome. Rome changed the world, but not for the better.

        There are videos on Franklin but you mentioned another one that was interesting. I think it was in Florida or something like that and I had never heard of it before. Anyway, since crimes of empire are not in short supply, we never have to worry about running out of things to discuss. I wish it were otherwise 😉


      • Thanks truth1now, the tunnels are an element that recurs very frequently on this subject and one of the cases McGowan covers in the Pedocracy is related to a California school called the McMartin school I think and the tunnels underneath that school were discovered and documented by a citizen’s investigation after the authorities claimed they didn’t exist. Thanks for your kind words it means a lot.


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